   I just installed a 15 gig harddrive and made four partitions with
linux fdisk and installed Mandrake 7 on the first partition. As long as
you keep your boot partition below cylinder 1024 you shouldn't have a
problem. Probably your bios must see the whole drive for this to work.
Hope this helps.


> Hi Alan and All,
> I decided to go ahead and spend some more $money$ on my Linux Mandrake
> distribution, which I have learned was pretty much inevitable if I had any
> hopes of getting it installed within my time parameters.
> I think it is important that I mention here for clarity's sake, that if you
> are a newbie and you have a hard drive that is over 8GB's, you will 'most
> likely' have to spend more money to purchase another program to work
> through the partitioning of your hard drive. I think it should actually say
> this on the Linux Mandrake 7.0 Complete Box, under the system requirements,
> that if your hard drive is larger than 8GB's you will may need to purchase
> another utility in order to install Linux Mandrake or any other Linux
> distribution on your system in a very user friendly way. The included
> version 3.0 of Partition Magic will not suffice to do the job in a workable
> manner.
> You may also run into the 1024th cylinder barrier as I did and later found
> out it was 'infamous', and then the also included Boot Magic will not
> install. I do have to say that I am enjoying learning all of this stuff I
> never knew about hard drive partitions. :)
> The application actually cost more than the Linux Mandrake 7.0 Complete
> distribution, however if you have purchased this version of Linux and
> received the non usable for over 8GB hard dirves version 3, then you are
> elligible for a 40% discount on your upgrade to an actual working version
> of Partition Magic, which currently is 5.01. Also I want to note to all,
> that the Partition Magic manufacturer 'PowerQuest.com', look as if they are
> also owned by MS, as they are almost overly proud partners of MS and have
> the MS name all over their web site.
> All of this aside, if it works well for me I will be happy I have it, it
> seems to have many, new to me, powerful features that I may indeed find
> very, very useful. Although I am fairly certain that you could take other
> routes to installation of Linux on a large hard drive, (using fdisk, fips,
> cfsidk, LILO, etc)  I have been thinking of my return deadline, perhaps I
> should just forget about that, and  instead commit myself to accomplishing
> the task I have set at hand.  :)
> I want my Linux!
> b/web
> At 02:21 PM 4/18/00 -0700, you wrote:
> >b/web....you need to have two things before the 1024th cylinder.
> >
> >1) your primary windows partition (it'll be drive C:) needs to
> >end before the 1024th cylinder (you can have another windows
> >partition that uses whatever other disc space left and it'll be
> >drive D:).
> >
> >2) a small (16-24 megs) linux partition that you will have to
> >assign the mount point of  /boot  when you install linux.  This
> >can be before or after the windows partition, but it does need
> >to end before the 1024th cylinder also.
> >
> >So, withinin the first (approximately 8 meg) 1023 cylinders of
> >the 17 gig drive you must have a primary dos partition that is
> >set active and has windows installed on it
> >
> >and
> >
> >a 16-24 meg linux partition.
> >
> >then the rest of the drive can contain
> >
> >a) a second dos partition of any size
> >
> >and
> >
> >b) the rest of the partitions needed for the linux installation,
> >but at a minimum, a linux partition of 2-4 gig (or larger) that
> >will be assigned the mount point of  /   during linux
> >installation and a linux swap partition (size depends on your
> >memory size and intended usage, but let's say no les than 64 meg
> >and no larger than 128 meg).
> >
> >Alan
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Hi, I am now on my sixth day since I went out and purchased the brand new
> >> Linux Mandrake 7.0 Complete OS, and I still do not have it installed on my
> >> system, I only have four days left before I run out of time at the Software
> >> store to return it for a full refund.
> >>
> >> I am going through install h*ll with the Cylinder 1024 /boot directory
> >> thing or obstacle, which I now know to be infamous. I also now understand
> >> that Linux requires this Cylinder location for a /boot directory to be
> >> inserted(crazy man)? I also understand that the included boot program for
> >> the Linux Mandrake OS called 'Boot Magic' will not install and set up on my
> >> system because it says I do not have a Primary Partition below the 1024th
> >> Cylinder.
> >>
> >> I was able to install Partition Magic and repartition my hard drive, only
> >> to crash into 'Boot Magic's' refusal to install after already having
> >> repartitioned my hd. So, I departitioned my hard drive back to its original
> >> partition and then I uninstalled Partition Magic as I thought perhaps I
> >> could install Boot Magic first, but all to no avail.
> >>
> >> I am wondering how I go about clearing this 1024th cylinder so that Boot
> >> Magic can install itself there? Do I have to lose all of my current
> >> information on my hd? My current Window/dos disk usage is over 3GB, do I
> >> have to delete all of my current web servers, data bases, and a varitey of
> >> over 100 various applications in order to free up the space at the 1024th
> >> cylinder?
> >>
> >> I am totally lost as to how to go about opening up the space at this
> >> cylinder, I have been informed that I can make some settings and that I can
> >> repartition again, neither of which I understand? If this is possible where
> >> and how does one make such settings?
> >>
> >> My hard drive is 17GB and I was intending to install MDKL on a partition of
> >> about 4GB slightly larger than the size of my Windows current disk usage,
> >> as I intend to install all of the web servers, is this not a good idea?
> >> Does anyone know if all distributions of Linux have this same roadblock,
> >> (1024th cylinder) to installing the OS on a system, or can I just go and
> >> purchase Corel's or Debian's etc, instead?
> >>
> >> Much thanks in advance,
> >> b/web
> >
> >

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