Lorne Williams wrote:
> Help!
> I have LM 5.3 on my 486 standalone system, re-installed with
> everything straight 'out of the box' - nothing fancy.
> I was using jed, in emacs mode, a nice program. Had some
> customizations figured out. Everything was working fine,
> then I decided to try upgrading to jed-0.98.7... oh boy. Now
> the program starts with an error message "Function does not
> exist!" and no keystrokes work. Have to kill the process to
> get out.
> I have a CD with /contrib from RedHat on it, so I have both
> the old rpm's on the install CD, and the newer rpm's on the
> other CD.
> - kpackage warned that the new jed needed slang 1.2.2-1
> - kpackage warned of dependency failures when upgrading with
> new jed.
> - also warned about failures when upgrading to new slang.
> - went to the command line (as root), did rpm -U --test on
> new jed, and new slang, no errors, did rpm -i with no errors
> on both. Program bombed.
> - did rpm -e on all the jeds, and all the slangs,
> re-installed both the old and new. Program still bombs.
> Where did I really mess up? Is kpackage unreliable? Is
> upgrading an rpm trickier than I am aware of? Is it bad to
> rip out a package and put it back again? What happens when I
> install the new on top of the old? How can I remove and
> re-install?
> TIA and meanwhile I will continue reading TFM like mad...
> =8-)
> Lorne.

At this point, I would 'rpm -e' all of the new packages that you've
installed, then find out what the broken dependencies were for the new
jed and slang packages.  Find new packages that satisfy those
dependencies, then rpm -Uvh the whole lot of them (without installing
the old slang and jed packages).

If you get dependencies that you're not sure about, post them to the
mailing list.  I'm sure someone has done the upgrade and can help in
finding the packages you need.

Steve Philp

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