Java .class files MUST go to the server in BINARY - never in ASCII
This is number one on the hit list of common errors.  If you send the .class
file up in ASCII, the browser basically can't read the file, since it's
looking for a binary Java executable.  Variously, the browser status bar
might report a number of errors, often "class file not found" - or it may
just sit there dumb as a bag of dead flies.  (This depends on the browser
and version.)  If in doubt, send the class file up again.

Oh shoot I bet I sent that last email using HTML
whoops sorry, as I lie here in bed typing I forget about the rest of you
nerds and forget this is a soft spot.
Sorry, Just wanted to ask then share.
Sorry. Im Sorry.. Sorry about the HTML, Sorry.

(who forgets the computer health of others as she explores the life stream
of technological rudiments).

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