I've been getting by without the kernel update by typing 'halt' to
shutdown my laptop, and 'reboot' to reboot it.  I do that, because when
I type 'shutdown -h now' or 'shutdown -r now', my partitions don't
cleanly unmount, and the system doesn't cleanly reboot (I loose the

I've been trying to get by without the kernel update, because the last
time I tried it, I installed the kernel update, and the kernel-pcmcia
update, and it couldn't detect my pcmcia cards (no DHCP for eththernet
was bad enough, but no modem? eek!).

Am I running the risk of breaking anything by typing 'halt' and 'reboot'
instead of 'shutdown...'?  Did I just screw up installing the kernel and
kernel-pcmcia update rpms when I tried?  What rpms do I need to download
from Mandrake's site to update the kernel and still keep my pcmcia modem

        - Theo

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