On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Dominique Deleris wrote:

> Hello.
> I'm having problems using konsole (the KDE console) in Mandrake 6.0. You
> certainly remember that I am a color-addicted user of VIM ;-)
> Since I have resolved  my color problem in vi (I've removed the
> "vi-minimal" package, and installed "vim-improved"), I'd like to use the

You might want to reinstall vi-minimal if /bin and /usr are not on the
same partition, and reorder the $PATH to use /usr/bin (or call /usr/bin/vi

> scheme "Linux Console" by default when launching konsole (it enables
> colors !).
> I've done "Options->Save Options" after selecting my favorite schema,
> but when I leave konsole and run it again, nothing has been saved...
> Any idea ?

Make sure you have the only one open when you make the setting it's not
that smart, if all else fails manualy edit ~/.kde/share/config/konsolerc*

> Thanks.
> Dominique

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