I just had a system lockup while trying something with Electric
Eyes -- no keyboard, no mouse, no nothing.  After a while I
resorted to hitting the reset button.

Now I no longer get the same login screen -- what I do get is what
seems to be a standard vanilla KDE login prompt (no choices of other 
window managers, no goofy penguin cartoons), and very limited toolbars
etc. once the WM does come up.  No idea yet what else might be screwed

I'd kind of like to restore the system to its previous state without
reinstalling the entire OS (LM7.2).  If it comes to that it'd be 
non-disastrous as I did choose a pretty safe partitioning scheme
(separate partitions for /, /home, /usr and swap), but to completely
reinstall seems overkill.

Where should I start with this?  Any system logs I should look at?
Is there a group of packages or whatever I can install to take care
of this?  Remember that at the moment all I really want to do is get
the LM7.2/KDE desktop back.

Perhaps even more importantly: what should I do the next time the
system locks up like that?

Mark Shaw

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