> I would like to be able to FTP into my Linux box from the outside world.  I can
> make the connection, but my login is denied and I get the message login
> failed/login incorrect.  I tried modifying /etc/passwd but apparently did so
> incorrectly.  I CAN log in as anonymous, but do not have read/write permission
> when the login is completed.  Am I headed in the right direction?

You're headed in the right direction!  When installed, the FTP server
only allows downloads of files.  You'll need to edit /etc/ftpaccess
(check the ftpaccess manpage for information) to allow uploads.

FTP changes it's idea of root when you log into it.  Any files that you
want to read from will need to be in the /home/ftp hierarchy.  I believe
you'll need to cut/paste your /etc/passwd information into
/home/ftp/etc/passwd in order to allow yourself a "real user" login.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corp.

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