Hi folks.

First of all,
excuse me for my poor English.

I have 2 mdk-8 linuxes box : 1 on my notebook and 2 on a desktop pc.

I have had serious problems to define an alteration on a PATH variable 
to my desktop box.

On my notebook all works fine. I had altered the /etc/rc.local file to 
accomodate a "PATH=$PATH:/newdir" and "export PATH" new commands and 
some services and shells (terminals) works fine.

Acting by analogy, I do the same alteration on the desktop box and 
I did not have same success.

In which file can I put a new PATH definition in manner that I have
the new value of it in a global view ?

I have to advise you that the only difference on those instalations are :
        notebook = "home/office"
        desktop = "server"

I have experienced others things too. Alter the /etc/profile, 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc.sysinit and /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions with the same

I used a mechanism of tracing the value of the PATH, placing
"echo $PATH > /opt/foo_file_N" in the beginning and end of each script file
and perceived that my update was persisted thru the rc.local and the
profile but some another script file had modified the PATH for a value 
that did not contain what I wanted. I saw that some scripts call the 
"functions" one and in that I saw a PATH definition "PATH=..." command
line. By this I put my modification in it, but gain another failure.
(after each script modification I reboot the box)

Anybody has any clue ?
The server instalation is so diffent from home one ?

Thanks in advance,

Marcos Nobre

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