Does any body knows why my devices, which at 9.1 was named hda, hdb, etc. now are named ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 and so on? It's drivin' me nuts!

My ATAPI CD recorder didn't worked, then I discovered it had to be SCSI emulated, and K3B suggested me to do the same whit the CD/DVD player (so it can copy better) and now... Anything works! I can't neither watch a DVD.

I've came to the point where I'm not really sure what's the CD/DVD player and what's the CD recorder.

Any help?

ˇ--< Iván Velamazán González >--ˇˇˇ--< >--ˇ
Si Windows es la respuesta, por favor żme pueden repetir la pregunta?
       Suzuki Samurai 1.9TD: Speed kills, live forever!
<> Si sales al campo, que no se note que pasaste

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