On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Lynn Johnson wrote:

>I've got a 3-Com 56K Winmodem Int and a Lexmark Z32 printer
>that I can't get Mandrake to recognize.  They work alright
>in Windows (Using 5 Gigs on an 8 Gig hard-drive) but I
>partitioned off 3 Gigs for Mandrake and they won't work. 
>Everything else APPEARS to work in Mandrake, though.

Most of the time WINmodems will only run in WINdows.
You can check www.linmodem.org for help, perhaps there's a fix for your
specific modem, who knows.
Can't help with your printer though, I hope someone else knows something.


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Women are from earth.
Deal with it.

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