Thanks for the suggestions. I tried Norton Ghost 6.5 both through the
parallel cable and locally after hooking up my "master" drive as a slave to
the PC where I was wanting to copy the master drive to. Neither worked.

What did work great though was the Linux dd program. I created my master
Mandrake Linux drive and then connected it to the PC that I wanted to copy
to as a slave drive. The PC thus had the master drive (hda) and the drive
that I wanted to copy from as the slave (hdb). The following command
duplicated the slave drive to the master drive:

dd if=/dev/hdb of=/dev/hda bs=512

Worked great! In fact, I got the idea from an article in Info Security
magazine, which rated the "free" dd program higher than Norton Ghost and

... Kirby

P.S. I'm copying this to the newbie listserv since I first asked my question
there and it may help someone else.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Serge Skorokhodov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 10:01 AM
Subject: Copying hdrives


What I would do is like this (assuming all PCs are the same):

1) Install Windows and Ghost on a pc (nothing else).

2) take HD from a PC with MK installed and connect it as the second HD to
the win machine.

3) create an image of it and store on the win HD.

4) replace LM HD with a clean one from another machine and write the stored
MK image on it.

5) repeat the procedure required number of times--you have exacty the same
MK configuration installed on all your computers but one.

If you can't install win, you can use DOS or whatever else--i don't have
expirience with norton ghost, but it needs dos on a floppy you run it,

Hope it helps.


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