Hi there John,

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, John Richard Smith wrote:

> Hello Ralph,
> How are you.
> I made a bit of spare time this morning and did a coplete update
> from scratch.
> please note I had a full compliments of fonts in both system and user
> directories at the outset, though nothing seems to of changed since
> theCVS download completed.

The CVS update / install won't change anything with your fonts. The fonts 
are a total separate thing.
> see the file attatched.

I have done so, and it didn't tell me much at all I'm afraid. Read below to 
see the comments


Hehehehe... I don't know how to answer that =) LOL. We all make mistakes.

gcc-3.0.4: pci_names.c: No such file or directory make[2]: *** [depend]
Error 1 mplayer.c: In function `main':
Seems while compiling it's complaining about this. Normally when compilling
an Error 1 is avital thing, however mplayer seems to compile further..
which may not be that vital therefor (I'm not sure).

To get to your running mplayer / gmplayer:
Can't open input config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/input.conf : No such file or 
This seems to be the case with both of them (g/mplayer). Look in your
sources and copy this file to that location and try again. It's not vital,
however you never know ;-) You can find it in the etc/ folder of mplayer.

playing DVD title 1
Using CSS Key-cache dir: /root/.mplayer/DVDKeys/2002081418421300
Reading disc structure, please wait...
libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
Can't open VMG info!
This warning is given by both mplayer and gmplayer too.... however from
what I understand it's only mplayer that bombs out. Maybe a corrupted DVD?
It's just a wild shot in the dark, but seeing as DVD's have no standards,
there are many errors on a standard DVD. Most are overlooked by players,
but some are problems. Do you have another DVD to try it with? Else try
deleting /root/.mplayer/DVDKeys/2002081418421300 and rerunning mplayer.

Font /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc loaded successfully! (206 chars)

Playing /mnt/cdrom/lordoftheringscd1.avi
Detected AVI file format!
You added this directly afterwards in your output, so I'm guessing it's not
related to your DVD, but just to show that mplayer works?

Otherwise I'm really and tryly stumped dude... and I'm sorry for that. I
just presume it's something really simple, and we are overlooking it
somewhere. The possible options are:

Compiling is stuffed?
mplayer looks to /dev/dvd and contains a bug?
gmplayer overrides mplayer's bug?
DVD is a curupted DVD?
Your keycode is wrong (for the DVD encryption)?
Running as root is forbidden under mplayer, but gmplayer overlooks that?

OK, why I didn't say this earlier I don't know, but try this:

mplayer -dvd 1 -dvd-device /dev/scd0 -v

The "-v" with give you a lot more info, and maybe even tell you exactly
what's wrong ;-) Then send me the output of that ;-) Else compare the same
output with:

gmplayer -dvd 1 -dvd-device /dev/scd0 -v

Oh, and you can reply off-list now ;-) LOL


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