I note the wrong end of the stick has been grasped on several occasions.

The [ukcrypto] mailing list has noted that a mandatory feature of TCPA, the 
(cross-supplier) hardware architecture on which the (Microsoft) Palladium software 
architecture is based, is that any hardware security features _must be capable of 
being turned off in the BIOS_. And a feature of TCPA is that that BIOS will be secure, 
so nothing can hijack the BIOS.

Of course, this might mean that software which requires those features will pop up a 
dialog box if they're disabled, but alternative operating systems will continue to 
work no matter their level of support for TCPA.

There is a *very* competent person on the list who is a member of one of the TCPA 
steering committees: he is doing a good job of damping down the more strident rhetoric 
and half-baked ideas that are being proposed (sounds familiar ;)


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