On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 12:44:31PM -0600, Harv Nelson wrote:
> I'm having trouble setting up a mime/handler for a particular URL.
> WXPR (http://www.wxpr.org) is the radio station.  It seems most of the 
> streaming is directed at Windows systems and IE browsers specifically.
> The audio URL is:
> http://wxpr.dwave.net:8004
> a port number rather than a file name and extension.
> If I punch that URL into XMMS or RealPlayer directly from the keyboard, they 
> both pick up the mp3 (I think its mp3) stream just fine.  But, that sorta 
> defeats the purpose and pleasures of this "Clicking-hyper-media" system.
> How do I configure a "mime" or handler in the browsers to use that URL with 
> the port number?
> Thanks a bunch
> Harv


Save the URI as a playlist. In your favorite editor, just type the URI
and save it as, for example, "wxpr.m3u". When you click (or double-click
depending on your fm/wm) that file, it should open in whatever you have
associated with playlists. That's probably xmms.

PS--please remove the reply-to in your mailer as replies should go to
the list.


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