        I'm running mandrake 7.1 and I have a problem this momment.
I'd like to start off and say I'm relativily new to linux so the
answer to my problem could be simple and it just happens I don't know
        I went to boot up linux today (I was in windows the night
before.  I like my games), and I got this kernel panic error.

        Kernal Panic "VFS: unable to mount root partition 03:02"

        I attempted to start my nmachine with the rescue disk but I
get a new error.

        Unable to open initial console
        kernel panic: No init found.  try passing init= option to

I'm not quite sure what these mean, I hope my fs isn't corrupted.
I've also tried booting the system up with slack boot/root disk
and it didn't work either.  I have had a corrupted partion once
and cfdisk refused to open or acknowledge my linux partions.  This
time it opened and displayed my partions with no fuss, so I'm hoping
linux can be saved.

My machine is a 
Celeron 533 (socket 370)
64MB RAM (Core, I read about it again {As I had heard the term before
but in realation to old mainframes})
15GB HD, 6GB win98 partition (hda1)
/ (hda2) 
/boot (hda5)
/usr (hda6)
/home (hda7)
/swap (hda8)
/var (hda9)
ATI Rage IIc 8MB
Creative PCI Ensoniq
Motorola 56kbs winmodem

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