On 2 Jul 00, at 0:53, Thomas 2 wrote:

> Why doesn't there seem to be any Linux applications that will automatically 
> dialout - like email clients and auto file downloaders? They're a dime a 
> dozen in Windows, but I've never found a single one for Linux. Is there some 
> kind of barrier? As popular as that is in Win, why does it seem to be 
> non-existant in Linux? I know there are work arounds using Cron, but for a 
> Newbie who doesn't have a lot of time, it would be much nicer if it sort of 
> worked out of the box. That would help me in making the transition. But 
> that's just me.

Oh yesm, there are. 
Automatic dial on demand - diald
Another easy dialer - wvdial and kde frontend called kwvdial
Downloaders - Caitoo - ftp tool(not much recommended) 
                        - Downloader for X(search Freshmeat with the string     
                          "downloader"(pretty good)
                        - wget(this one is real good). This also has a kde             
                          frontend, called kwebget and a gtk fronend called gwget

Keep looking for offerings in freshmeat, there may be more, but these 
are the more popular ones.
    Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

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