
I just encountered some hard drive errors on bootup. A portion of my boot
seqence is below:

/dev/hda7 reached maximal mount count, check forced

        I then had a long disk read, followed by something to the
effect of:

hard drive has errors, run fsck MANUALLY, without options

        I entered the root pw, and got a prompt. I ran fsck on hda7 and
received this message:

i_faddr for inode 360590 (/usr/share/applnk/System/switchdesk.kdelnk) is
65536, clear<y>?

        I answered yes, and eventually got some "everything seems okay"
messages from fsck, then rebooted, and everything seems to be all right
now. But I'm curious what happened -- what does maximal mount count mean,
and does the "i_faddr..." msg really tell me? Is there something I'm
perhaps doing that I shouldn't be doing? (Is it a problem with not
properly unmounting a windows drive?)

Thanks again-


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