I created two floppies. One boot floppy with the contents of
cdrom-aic7xxx.img, and one patch floppy with the contents of aic7xxx.img.
I'm following the instructions from the web site:
"Error scenario: Problem with some SCSI cards using the aha2940 and aha2930
(and possibly other) chipsets. As a result, SCSI drives and CD-ROMs are not
recognized, and you may receive a message like "I could not mount a device
on /dev/scd0" or you will see pci error messages looping in the console
When: During installation with some SCSI cards that use the aha2940 chipset.
Please note that not all SCSI cards using this chipset are affected.
Solution: Download this new CD-ROM boot floppy image file and this patch
floppy image file. You will need two blank floppy diskettes and you must
create a boot floppy and patch floppy of the two images (using dd
if=image.img of=/dev/fd0). Boot from the newly created boot floppy and at
the first prompt press F1. At the syslinux prompt type: patch. You will then
be prompted to insert the patch floppy with contains the the proper aic7xxx
module. This will then create a proper initrd during installation."

So, I boot successfully and press F1. At the prompt, I type 'patch' and the
installation continues without prompting for another floppy and I still
can't get the CDROM to mount. :-(

Obviously, I'm missing something here. Can anyone tell me what it is? Thank
you very much for any help!

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