
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network fails to start my pcmcia ethernet card, apparently
because I'm missing the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0. How
should this file look? I've taken a peek at ifcfg-lo (loopback), but it
contains some data I do not have for the eth0 device, such as IP-address (I
connect via a DSL-modem using Roaring Penguins PPPoE software).

Note that the
ethernet card and my DSL-connection work fine if I start up eth0 manually using
'ifconfig eth0 up mtu 1500'. It is an incovenience, though.

My setup is Mandrake
7.0-2 (kernel 2.2.14-15mdk) on a Dell Inspiron 3800 laptop. The ethernet card
is from 3COM and is recognized by the pcmcia software upon booting.

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because of the volume of mail.



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