Dennis myers wrote

I thought some of you would be interested to know that since I changed out 
motherboards I no longer have the shutdown problem that prints out a bunch 
of errors and then does not shut off.  Now the system shuts down and turns 
itself off.  The MoBo is a Soyo Sy K7VTA pro and a Duron 900 mhz 
processor, with all my previous sound card, video card, NIC etc plugged 
in. Gkrellm now shows the cpu fan speed and temp.  I plugged everything in 
and powered up the system and nothing needed reconfiguring, unlike what 
would go on if I was running that other OS.  Linux is the Best!  I need to 
learn Python or Perl now, just so I understand more about what is going on 
inside some of these scripts.  Back to the point. It appears that the 
shutdown problem is a motherboard issue, having to do with the bios 
settings for shutdown? Or is it a chipset issue? I don't know, I just know 
I don't have the problem anymore. JFYI.

I have this problem too.  I have an Epox mainboard with and amd 400 chip
Are there any fixes about?

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