Sorry to bog you guys down with so many messages, I'm new to this.

I just got Linux Mandrake 7.1 up and running and I realized now what I need.

Can somebody explain to me how to run this script to get win 98 to recognize
an extended partition (formerly drive D:) that L-M changed to a Linux
extended partition during install?

This is from the FAQ site:

"Solution: Use this patch to fix the problem during installation. If the
damage has already been done, the other solution is to use this script which
fixes the problem on a live system. To run the patch, use perl on the command line as root."

And this is the script referred to above, but I'm not sure how to read or
run it.


my @l = `/sbin/fdisk -l 2>/dev/null| grep -i "Linux Extended"`;
@l > 1 and die "you have more than one Linux Extended partition, too complex
for me!\n";

my ($hd, $num) = $l[0] =~ m|(/dev/\w+)(\d)\s| or die "oups, this simple
script fails\n";
open F, "|/sbin/fdisk $hd >/dev/null";
print F
close F;

`/sbin/fdisk -l 2>/dev/null| grep -i "Linux Extended"` and die "it failed,

print "All should be ok now!\n";

Thanks so much!


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