Incase it didn't come through the first time.

-----Original Message-----
From:   James J. Capone [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, April 28, 1999 6:58 PM
Subject:        [newbie] Appraising Microsoft Conference (Long Message)

James Love one of the runners of the conference is not the person some of 
us may think he is. If you goto his page and click on the Link for the Next 
meeting you will see, Only 2 Linux Related people are invited to the 
meeting. I don't notice any programmers, User Groups, Resellers etc... 
These people also make the Linux roll just as much as we do. We are running 
a Boycott of this Project. I have a transcript of a phone conversation 
between Mr. Love and the People at IACT. Here are bits and pieces

I asked him what user groups, programmers and grass roots orgs he had 
invited to speak about OSs such as Amiga, OS/2, BSD, DOS and Linux. He 
immediately reverted to his argument that they have a long list of speakers 
and they don't have room to invite many people to cover all the OSs. He 
also asked in an insulting tone [not verbatim but close], "What have these 
people done? What remedies have these people ever proposed that would 
convince us they deserve to be included? We need people who have ideas, who 
know what they're talking about, who can speak...."

{Which means, we're stupid. He's smart. All of the people he invited are 
the smartest in the land. He and they _invented_ the anti-monopoly 
movement, hmm?}

On the subject of Linux, he definitely tried to minimize the heavy emphasis 
on corporate reps. and certain producers of Linux. When I mentioned other 
Linux sources, he balked and went back to his old spin, that hey, he can't 
invite everybody. He even went so far as to insist that the CEOs of RedHat 
and Caldera weren't there to discuss Linux!-- just to offer their 
anti-trust remedies!

{Yeah sure, and if a tobacco company executive were invited, he wouldn't 
talk about cigarettes.}

On the subject of OS/2, he was worse than about Amiga. He clearly harbors a 
special dislike of OS/2 and the OS/2 community. He didn't elaborate with 
hard reasons, but offered plenty of insults, and his tone went right down 
to sneering and whining.

[not verbatim] "What has the OS/2 community done to prove that OS/2 is a 
remedy to Microsoft?" I answered that I wouldn't presume as one person to 
speak for the entire community of users. However, I reminded him that he's 
proposing Linux and BeOS, even a mere environment such as NewDeal, as 
"alternatives" to Windows, and therefore by his own reckoning OS/2 and 
other OSs [already named] should be included for discussion.

as you can see he doesn't really support Linux or some other OS related 
communities. Please send him email requesting a invite. Ask him why 
Linux-Mandrake people where not asked to come. If this is a conference on 
Remedies to a Antitrust suit, Don't you think Alternative OS's are also 
answers to the problem.

This is his contact Information. Use it wisely or however you see fit.

James Love, Director, Consumer Project on Technology
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED], by telephone 202.387.8030,
by fax at 202.234.5176. CPT web page is

James J. Capone
Asst. Webmaster

"The Only Person To Hear Both Sides Of A Argument Is The Guy In The 
Apartment Next To Yours!"

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