Use a good mail program which can do this for you...


-----Original Message-----
Of Mogens Jęger
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2000 11:21 AM
To: Mandrake
Subject: [newbie] Many mails

Hey list.
I have been thinking about, if it is possible to sort/split the list in
some way. Reason:
My mother-language is not english, so it is rather time-consuming for me
to read-trough all the mails in this list - and there are many, with the
result, that I am forced to run fast trough the mails, only reading the
subject - and if not of interest - delete. But - sometimes it happens
that I havent been on the net for a couple of days, resulting in more
than 100 mails waiting - I then often deletes to many, and thats is
anoying when you finds out that a number in the tread is missing.
I would suggest som main groups like 'networking' 'mailprograms'
'multimedia' 'the Mandrake 7.1 - issue'
Just a proposal
Mogens Jęger

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