I have the very same problem after a vanilla installation.
Also as has been mentioned in other posts, stuffed up graphics on the KDE

I will have a look later for info on the above problems and post whatever I
I have to admit that I am somewhat surprised that these problems were not
addressed before the 
official release (mandrake 6.1 in my case) as whilst one expects bugs to pop
up here and there, these are fairly glaring ones.
In fact, the 1st Icon I hit after the installation was the update one :-(.

All the best:

Mike Perry

<<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Sun 21 November 1999 10:01
> Subject:      [newbie] Update Icon
> Has anyone tried to use the icon on the KDE desktop. I get an error
> message
> that says "mandrake cannot execute the update function" Has anyone else
> had
> this problem
> Thanks 
> Steve Bradley

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