I would love to do a video with all of the candidates (or at least as
many as we can pull off).

I'm going to be travelling all next week for SCALE -- maybe the
members who are there can meet up at some point.  If nothing else we
can join forces at the openSUSE booth (though I'll also be over at the
SUSE booth during a good portion of the show).  If there are any other
candidates there... maybe we could also do a little in-person video.
Would be fun!


On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Manu Gupta <manugu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The news request should really go to news@oo.
> Jitsi / hangout / irc meeting is fine with me. If you have any
> questions, please shoot an email
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 11:03 AM, victorhck <correo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Hi all.
>> Why not to blog about boards elections in news.o.o ??
>> It's an important event, and there's nothing to read there...
>> And what about the Jitsi meeting, or similar with members who have
>> stand up for elections? Would be great (IMO)
>> 've phun!
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> Regards
> Manu Gupta
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