Hi Attila,

Good to hear from you. Next Thursday is probably not the best as the openSUSE Conference starts on the Friday. Maybe we can shut for the week after.



On 05/14/2018 05:02 PM, Attila Pintér wrote:
Hi Doug,

Hooe you are well! Apologise again for the silence, day job kicked in, but seems like we can start the podcast as soon as next Thursday if there is still interest.
Really sorry again for all the delays, had a lot of work at hand.


On Thu, Apr 5, 2018, 3:27 PM Attila Pinter <apinter...@gmail.com <mailto:apinter...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Doug,

    Awesome, thank you. Let me get back to you on a date next week
    once we see a bit more clear our schedule as well.


    On 04/05/2018 03:15 PM, ddemaio wrote:

    Hi Attila,

    Yes, I can talk with Ludwig about doing it. Just let me know what
    date we should plan for.



    On 04/05/2018 10:13 AM, Attila Pinter wrote:

    Hi Doug,

    Excellent, love the topics - especially the ARM one -, thank you
    for your inputs. I think if we do monthly a 20min interview show
    that would be great. I'm pretty sure we can commit to it.
    Next Monday-Tuesday will get the equipment we ordered -
    hopefully - and also can start working on the previously
    mentioned technical details. We are very new to this so any
    inputs are welcome ;)

    One last thing tho: once our side is technically ready would you
    be able to help us scheduling the first guests?


    On 04/03/2018 02:13 PM, ddemaio wrote:

    Hi Attila,

    Excellent. I came up with the list below. I think the following
    could be the first two:

    Ludwig Nussel for Leap 15

    Richard Brown for openSUSE, openQA and Kubic

    The topics below could be rearranged for the show. It a good
    list to start with and we could add more for things we feel
    could be appropriate. Some might take a bit more coordination
    depending on how many people are involved.

    On 04/03/2018 07:14 AM, Attila Pinter wrote:

    Hi Doug,

    So we are very much in April and we are still fairly busy, but
    would like to make preparations for the show. You mentioned
    earlier that you have some topics prepared already, would be
    great to take a look at that. Also trying to figure out some
    sort of a structure for the "show" such as:

      * The length of each show,

    I think 15 to 20 minutes (tops) is an ideal time.

      * Organizing the agenda per show, maybe starting with news
        and revolving around major topics, interviews as the
        closing part of it?,

    This could be just a short segment of the show. Maybe the first
    2 minutes about what's new and what some of the major topics
    are. We could probably take a bit of this from the mailing lists.

      * Frequency of the show? (Thinking of every 2 weeks or monthly),

    I really think it could be hard for a set amount of time, but I
    would recommend monthly as every two weeks could really start
    to take some time.

    Will setup the podcast to be available over iTunes, provide
    some sort of rss feed and happy to host a webserver as the
    podcast's home. Maybe anything else?
    That would be great.

    Would appreciate your inputs.

    P.S.: @Eric in case you are still interested - but lack the
    time - in doing the podcast would be more than happy to
    collaborate ::)


    Dominique Leuenberger for Tumbleweed, GNOME Next and VLC

    Andrew Wafaa and Andreas Faber about openSUSE on ARM / openSUSE

    Andrew Wafaa for Travel Support Program

    Yan Sun for openSUSE Asia

    Yan Sun, Ana Maria Martinez, Stella Rouzi and Sarah Julia
    Kriesch for women in openSUSE and women in open source

    Ancor for Jangouts and YaST

    Douglas DeMaio for Getting Started with Linux magazine, project
    outreach and openSUSE Beer

    Axel Braun about GNU Health on openSUSE

    Christian Bruckmayer and Ana Maria Martinez about Open Build

    Christian Bruckmayerand Stella Rouz on Open Source Event
    Manager osem.io <http://osem.io>

    Sean Rickerd for SUSE band

    Kai Wagner for openattic

    Markus Feilner for openSUSE Documentation

    Antonio Larrosa and Luca Beltrame for KDE and KDE Spain

    Cornelius Schumacher for Hackweek

    Robert Schweikert for openSUSE Cloud images

    Michal Hrušecký for Turris Omnia with openSUSE Kernel

Sven Seeberg about raspberry pi cluster with openSUSE

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