Nice report Jimmy. I hope all is well.



On 08/12/2018 05:56 PM, Jimmy PIERRE wrote:

I am a bit “free” these days as France is at a standstill as every summer.

The audience was steady as usual except an enormous peak on 31st May
as I will narrate below.

On the 3 Saturdays, we started with lunch and we loaded the gear in
the cars and headed to the City Hall. I moved the SFD dates nearer to
the end of the month as the venue is near a commercial Mall and a
Tramway station there are more people hanging around. Even if they do
not pop in, at least, the *see* an activity going on.

28th April was Linux Presentation Day, new heads popped in I would say
25 and only one guy and a woman were sort of motivated to asked
questions after my slides. The woman had an issue with her Apple ID,
hummm LPD/Apple…. Then the guy “confessed” that he has installed Mint
and needed some advice as he did not know what to do. Luckily, another
attendee had his laptop with Mint, so we left them together and a
*long* demo on openSUSE Leap 42.3 and 15 Beta. We carried on with some
technical things.

26th May, hurrah, we had pre-loaded up 9 spare laptops (Thanks Doug
for the early GM) and also burnt 35 DVDs. People came in and out, some
timid people just over looking on each other shoulders (We set up the
room in a U where people can sit freely. Nothing much happened apart
from JC who wanted an update to openSUSE Leap 15 now and then. The 35
DVDs got sort of new owners, all gone. Again, people had some issues
and we gladly helped out. As usual, we bought coffee/tea/chocolate to
the visitors.

31st May, End of year event. This happens in the evening. It is
organized by the City to close the season and associations are welcome
to have a stand so that people can see what they do… No counting here,
local citizens just poured in. Some discovered Linux, some knew
already, some were concerned on usability and the trick is to lure
them to openSUSE by passing via open source on Windows. The future
will tell. Anyway, food was served with the compliments of the city.

23rd June. Last SFD for the season. Many topics: byobu, GitHub, ip
commands, WordPress and openSUSE Leap 15 etc. The command line was
*very* popular as we had to demystify the terminal as it is easier to
upgrade to openSUSE Leap 15. Then, in order to do some practical
insets, we played with WordPress a lot and this seemed to please the
audience. We will renew this in September. The woman with the Apple ID
came back. In fact she could not update her OSX!!! Then we had a few
people who came for their issues with Linux et al. A lady had a
serious problem with VLOOKUP in Calc.

We are now getting ready for the big venue 8th September where 270
associations are on display in open air. More info here:

Afterwards, SFD as usual on 29th September,  27th October, 24th
November, 15th December.

We will definitely have a lot of fun :)


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