Greetings folks on the Ambassadors, Artwork and Marketing Teams!

As you know, the CFP for openSUSE Conference deadline is coming very
close this weekend.  As part of the CFP Committee, I have reviewed
proposed sessions and saw some missing stuff so far, which I think we
should consider.  I have created four proposals tonight though I have
not attached any moderators to them yet.  (I wanted to get them in
before we miss the deadline.)

BoF Proposals:

"openSUSE Ambassadors Discussion":
A BoF to bring together our openSUSE Ambassadors and discuss strategies
for the coming year.
(Manu and Kostas, do you wish to lead this session?)

"Organizing our Artwork Repositories":
A look at the current state of our openSUSE Artwork GIT repository and
discussing ideas about ways to improve availability and access of
artwork for everyone.
(I propose one person from Marketing and one from Artwork to co-moderate
this BoF.  Any volunteers?)

Hacksession Proposals:

"Marketing Team - Multimedia Planning"
Let's storyboard some ideas for cool openSUSE videos that we can use at
events and online.  In this hacksession, we will organize our thoughts
and create basic storyboards for videos and podcasts
(Several of us have had some excellent ideas over the years but we never
moved forward on it.  Its time we came together and put those ideas to
good use.   JDD, would you like to co-moderate this with me?)

openSUSE 12.1 Artwork"
Review of artwork for 12.1 promotion and 12.1 Desktops
(I'm not exactly sure what is needed here, but I put it in anyway.  Does
anyone from Artwork Team wish to moderate this hacksession?)

If any of you have ideas for other topics, *please* submit them soon.
It is better for the CFP team to have many topics to review than too
few.  And I know many of you have awesome ideas.  I see a few already
from some of you!

Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE Marketing Team

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