Hi everyone,

Forgive me for insisting a bit more on this thread, especially the

   - *Star the main OpenWISP repositories or modules you use on GitHub
   <https://github.com/openwisp/>. *This is such a quick thing to do, eg:
   go to https://github.com/openwisp/ and start the main modules which are
   pinned to the top.

Thanks to those who replied and have started supporting us!
I hope more can join and give back to the community.
We're working on great advancements for the project:

- New website
- New unified documentation
- New release

I'll share the progress in the coming weeks. It will be great to have more
feedback from our user base.

Thanks for your attention!
Best regards
Federico Capoano

On Fri, 24 May 2024 at 20:04, Federico Capoano <f.capo...@openwisp.io>

> Dear OpenWISP users,
> I'm reaching out to encourage more involvement from our community. While
> our user base has been steadily growing, I haven't seen much contribution
> back to the project lately (last 2 years).
> It's also true that when there's been contributions, we have been slow to
> integrate them due to our own pipeline of work being full. But sooner or
> later we did integrate most of your contributions, so THANK YOU to all of
> those who contributed.
> However, it is evident that we need to improve our side of things and find
> more maintainers to help with the technical side of the project, we're
> working hard on that, along with the next release, new website and
> restructured comprehensive documentation website.
> However, I think *users could be a bit less careless* and help us a tiny
> bit more with small acts of love and support, which would surely help us
> out.
> I urge those of you who are using OpenWISP in production to consider
> giving back, even in small ways that don't require a lot of time, effort or
> financial commitment.
> Please read: How to Help Us?
> <https://openwisp.io/docs/general/help-us.html>
> Here are a few quick ways you can support OpenWISP:
>    - Share your success story
>    <https://bit.ly/openwisp-success-stories-form>, we're selecting the
>    best ones to share on our website.
>    - *Star the main OpenWISP repositories or modules you use on GitHub
>    <https://github.com/openwisp/>. *This is such a quick thing to do, eg:
>    go to https://github.com/openwisp/ and start the main modules which
>    are pinned to the top.
>    - Share information about the work you've been doing with OpenWISP on
>    social media, LinkedIn and X/Twitter really help us to gain visibility.
>    - Become a *financial sponsor* and be featured on the new website, if
>    interested please contact me privately.
> These small contributions help increase our visibility and if performed by
> a sufficient amount of people make a big difference over time. Your support
> is greatly appreciated!
> We have great work in the pipeline which is going to be published and
> released in the coming months, and after this upcoming release we'll be
> working more and more on UX improvements thanks to the collaboration with
> Ura Design and the OpenTechFund.
> I ask for your collaboration to help us reach more people so we can grow
> the project with the aim of improving OpenWISP faster. I promise you will
> benefit too from the improvements we're working on.
> *Thank you 🙏*
> Best regards
> *Federico Capoano*

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