Are you developing Java applications using Swing, AWT and servlets/JSP?
Companies that develop Java applications today must choose between making a GUI front end using AWT/Swing or HTML front end using servlets and JSP. Either choice has advantages and disadvantages, but it is clear that the ideal solution would support both. However, because these technologies are very different in their nature, only one can be typically implemented in a finished application. There is a large market for GUI based Java applications but these are running into speed and compatibility problems. Also, applets executed within browsers cannot take advantage of the latest Swing controls and features. Taken together, these issues prevent companies from developing GUI as they should be able to do. WebCream solves these problems without programmers having to learn any APIs and without any modification to existing forms.

WebCream 4.0 is here and you have to see it to believe it!
WebCream is a unique tool for Java, that provides automated web-enabling for GUI based Java applications and applets. WebCream allows developers to implement a GUI front end using AWT and Swing, and at the same time automatically get HTML access to the application. In a way, WebCream can be thought of as a dynamic Java to HTML converter, that converts Java frames and dialogs to HTML on the fly. It then emulates web page actions as GUI events to retain application original logic. WebCream is unique in that it requires no modifications to existing forms and business logic, and does not require programmers to learn any APIs. It is designed to publish existing applications and applets, it's just a matter of setting up your web server and a property file describing the application. The rest is handled by WebCream. To see a demonstration of WebCream live, check out our Demos page.

Visit WebCream page at for detailed information.

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