
I'm using Orion version 0.7.8b on Windows NT (SP5), JDK-1.2.2

I am running into the following error
--------------Begin Error Message ---------------------
500 Internal Server Error

Error parsing JSP page /test/test123.jsp line 1

Invalid value of buffer attribute in page tag
---------------End Error Message---------------------

The weird thing is that, after encountering the error,  if I hit reload on the
browser, the page displays properly
some time is displays on the first reload... some times it takes three or four

If I remove the buffer attribute, it complains about the autoFlush attribute.

In either case, the behavior is the same... subsequent reload after the error
will work.

Is this a bug in orion???

Here is the page code...
-------------Begin JSP Page ---------------------
<%@ page buffer="8kb" autoFlush="true" %>

This is a test html
<%= "This is a test jsp" %>
<%= new java.util.Date() %>

<jsp:useBean id="xxx" class="java.util.Date" scope="session"/>
<%= xxx%>
--------------End Jsp Page ----------------------------------

Sharath Komarla

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