Hi! All, 

I got a question regarding to Container-transaction management. The database just 
won't rollback when I use Container-transaction.

I am calling  from a session bean (ApplicationService) to an entity bean 
(ApplicationEntity) with ejbCreate(). 
   ApplicationEntityHome home = getApplicationEntityHome();
        app = home.create(info);
   } catch (Exception except) {

Here is ApplicationEntity.ejbCreate(ApplicationInfo) :

public String ejbCreate (ApplicationInfo info) throws 
DuplicateKeyException,CreateException {
String applicationId = null;
allinfo = info;
try {
   ApplicationControlDAO dao = new ApplicationControlDAO();
   String applicationId = dao.insertApplicaton(allInfo);
   BillingResults brt=BillingSystem.addUser(dao.getApplicationInfo());
}catch ( BillingException e) {
     throw new CreateException("Billing Transaction failed!");
} catch (ApplicationDAOException daoe) {
     System.out.println("ApplicationDAOException:" + daoe.getMessage());
return applicationId;

Under dao.insertApplicaton(allInfo), it will call some DAO objects to update different 
database tables and it will fill some database generated data (like id, etc) for data 
object 'allInfo'. However, even when the we catch the BillingSystem exception, the 
context.setRollbackOnly() is executed and the CreateException("Billing Transaction 
failed!") is thrown, the database updates won't rollback;

Here is the segment of my ejb-jar.xml:


My questions are:

(1) Anything wrong with my code/config?
(2) I used Orion 1.4.5 and PostgreSQL 7.1 database. Is that possible that something 
wrong (or not support) with the transaction support for the PostgreSQL database or 
JDBC driver?
(3) Any other better and quick solutions to my problem?

I appreciate if anyone can comment on the questions quickly. Thanks for your help!


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