Sounds like you've got another (possibly older) version of the JSP API in your 
If you've got a JSP 1.0 or Servlet 2.0 API implementation in your classpath Orion will 
unable to function properly (library shadowing). So remove the old libraries from your
classpath and in your compiler settings (IDE and/or system classpath) add orion.jar 
contains the Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 API to the classpath.

The very problem you've encountered is due to an erronous throws definition in
the Orion version of the JSP 1.1 API though (getBufferSize() is defined to throw
IOException), this will be changed in the next release. Note that this does not matter
once you've removed the older libs from your classpath.

Hope it helps!

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Tom Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 5:27 AM
Subject: 0.8.0 configuration problem

> Hello
> Just downloaded 0.8.0. Very excellent, and I'm looking
> forward to using it. On installation I get the initial index
> page from the server, but when I attempt to run the
> examples, for example colrs.jsp, I get a "500 Internal
> Server Error", with the following messages (similar errors
> omitted for brevity):
> Syntax error in source
> The method int getBufferSize() declared
> in class com.evermind.server.http.EvermindJSPWriter cannot
> override the method of the same signature declared in class
> javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter.  Their throws clauses are
> incompatible.
> import javax.servlet.*;
> ^
> ...
> Method getAttribute(java.lang.String)
> not found in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.
>                                 cb =
> (colors.ColorGameBean)session.getAttribute("cb");
> ^
> ....
> 5 errors
> Does this signify something wrong with my configuration? I'm
> using a JDK 1.2.2 which works fine in other respects.
> Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer.
> Tom Miller

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