I have same problem on Orion 1.5.2


"location" works ok, but pooled-location, xa-location,  ejb-location
don't work.

So i think it's not the problem of our client programm or config file,
may be it's a bug of Orion.

any one can help?

> Thanks to Ravi Reddy, I found the answer. The trick is not to make the data
> source pooled in the data-sources.xml file (i.e., leave out the xa-location,
> ejb-location and pooled-location fields).
> But what is the rationale for this?
> cheers
> romen
> -----------------------------------------
> Original Message:
> -----------------------------------------
> ello,
> I have seen the same question asked a few times in the mail archive, but no
> answers. Now I am faced with the same question.
> Am I supposed to access my datasource from an application client in
> J2EE/Orion?
> I have the following files setup with the correct values (I believe):
> * $orion/config/data-sources.xml (using
> class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource" and Sybase driver
> "com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver")
> * application-client.xml of the client app
> * jndi.properties file of the client app
> * manifest.mf of the client app
> When I do the following in my client app, a NullPointerException will be
> thrown when I try to prepare a statement or do anything useful with the
> connection:
>         InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
>         DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/MyDS");
>         Connection con = ds.getConnection("OpenBill","OpenBill");
>         // up to this point, nether ds or con are null, which is fine.
>         con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM MyTable");  //
> NullPointerException happens here.
> The same code works fine in a servlet (my web.xml also setup correctly). 
> cheers
> romen

Peng Yong                     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bentium Ltd.                  URL: http://www.cn99.com

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