i've an entity bean named Test, in which i've put a cmp field named
difficulty of a class tpye DifficultyLevel.
I've definded difficulty in orion-ejb-jar.xml as <fields> <cmp ....>

everything is fine when i create, remove, load, store, etc. to Test.
BUT, when i try to use findByDifficulty(DifficultyLevel d) which is
defined in my orion-ejb-jar.xml as quesry="$difficulty=$1" then i've found
orion (using p6Spy htpp://www.provision6.com) is passing the address of my
DifficultyLevel object's adderss (like when serializing) and so my finder

i think this is sth. like a bug. it would  be great if anybody could help
me about this situation.
thnx in advance.


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