Hello everyone!  Ran into some troubles, hoping a fellow slacker that
knows better than me or someone with expertise in the areas im having
trouble could help me out.

            I first tried to setup OTRS from the tarball source.
Webpage worked but emails weren't coming in and I could tell I was
missing something but I just didn't know what.  So I found a little prog
that converts rpm's to tar packages for slack.  I did that to a suse rpm
package and found some things im missing from my tarball install.  One
was a startup script. It went into /etc/init.d/otrs.  Slack has a
different directory for putting those... however I know that doesn't
matter to you all, I just needed to know what im missing to put all the
pieces together.

            Im not sure how to get any of the cron jobs running.  If
anyone could shed some light on that, that would be super.

            I do have the webpage itself working.  Settings I set save,
users I create are created.. etc.


The other thing, when I started the otrs script in the /etc/init.d
folder I got a few errors, like rcapache couldn't be found.  Im not sure
what I would need to change in that script to make it work for me and


Thank you in advance for any help.



Jonathan Larsen

Mountain West Heart Center 

IT Dept



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