Re: Flickr?

2024-08-22 Thread Henk Terhell
The status bar for uploading doesn't disappear and shows time out, 
however after reloading the Flickr website the uploaded photo does 
appear in my photo stream.
In the help forum there are plenty of messages on this problem, so I 
guess it will be solved.


Op 2024-08-22 om 00:09 schreef Mark Roberts:

John Sessoms wrote:

Is anyone else having trouble accessing Flickr? I keep getting this error:

429 Too Many Requests
You have sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

I don't see HOW I could be making too many requests, since I haven't
looked at it for several days, and only tried a few times today (I
wouldn't have even tried more than once today if I hadn't gotten that
error the first time I tried to look at it.

Yep. I've had trouble uploading for the past 24 hours or so.

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Re: Flickr?

2024-08-21 Thread Mark Roberts
John Sessoms wrote:

>Is anyone else having trouble accessing Flickr? I keep getting this error:
>> 429 Too Many Requests
>> You have sent too many requests in a given amount of time. 
>I don't see HOW I could be making too many requests, since I haven't 
>looked at it for several days, and only tried a few times today (I 
>wouldn't have even tried more than once today if I hadn't gotten that 
>error the first time I tried to look at it.

Yep. I've had trouble uploading for the past 24 hours or so.
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2024-08-21 Thread John Sessoms

Is anyone else having trouble accessing Flickr? I keep getting this error:

429 Too Many Requests
You have sent too many requests in a given amount of time. 

I don't see HOW I could be making too many requests, since I haven't 
looked at it for several days, and only tried a few times today (I 
wouldn't have even tried more than once today if I hadn't gotten that 
error the first time I tried to look at it.

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Re: Has anyone else been having trouble uploading to flickr?

2024-02-17 Thread Mark Roberts
Larry Colen wrote:

>When I got home last night I tried another spin on the mount shasta photo 
>based on the feedback I got.  I tried to upload it, and it didn't work.  It is 
>still not working this morning
>I'm getting an error message about CloudFront attempting to establish a 

It just worked fine for me. But, being on opposite coasts, you and I
may get connected via different servers.
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RE: Has anyone else been having trouble uploading to flickr?

2024-02-17 Thread rrvelar

I thought it was just me.

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Re: Has anyone else been having trouble uploading to flickr?

2024-02-17 Thread Larry Colen
Yup, not only did I try a smaller version, but I also tried from the web 
interface rather than lightroom

> On Feb 17, 2024, at 10:08 AM, Henk Terhell  wrote:
> I have no such problem. Usually there is a delay with full resolution 
> uploading on Flickr. Perhaps you can try smaller files.
> Henk
> Op 2024-02-17 om 19:02 schreef Larry Colen:
>> When I got home last night I tried another spin on the mount shasta photo 
>> based on the feedback I got.  I tried to upload it, and it didn't work.  It 
>> is still not working this morning
>> I'm getting an error message about CloudFront attempting to establish a 
>> connection.
>> --
>> Larry Colen
>>   sent from Mirkwood
> --
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Larry Colen   sent from Mirkwood

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Re: Has anyone else been having trouble uploading to flickr?

2024-02-17 Thread Henk Terhell
I have no such problem. Usually there is a delay with full resolution 
uploading on Flickr. Perhaps you can try smaller files.


Op 2024-02-17 om 19:02 schreef Larry Colen:

When I got home last night I tried another spin on the mount shasta photo based 
on the feedback I got.  I tried to upload it, and it didn't work.  It is still 
not working this morning

I'm getting an error message about CloudFront attempting to establish a 

Larry Colen   sent from Mirkwood

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Has anyone else been having trouble uploading to flickr?

2024-02-17 Thread Larry Colen
When I got home last night I tried another spin on the mount shasta photo based 
on the feedback I got.  I tried to upload it, and it didn't work.  It is still 
not working this morning

I'm getting an error message about CloudFront attempting to establish a 

Larry Colen   sent from Mirkwood

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Re: Mac mail and Flickr not playing nice

2023-05-12 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
I have the same issue with Flickr emails going to Apple but it's not 
consistent: sometimes the email displays correctly, other times not. 

After doing some comparisons of the raw email data from about 20 emails, half 
of which worked and half of which did not, I saw three-four places where the 
Flickr output was inconsistent in both. So I judged it a Flickr email issue, 
documented what I'd found, and sent it to Flickr as a server side bug. 

So far as I can tell, they haven't fixed anything yet. 

It doesn't really matter much to me since the link always works and it's my 
photo that I'm being notified of … I know what my photo titles are and don't 
need the image thumbnail to recognize what is being highlighted. 


> On May 11, 2023, at 1:46 PM, Larry Colen  wrote:
> Flickr sends me notifications when someone likes one of my photos.  Those 
> notifications have a link to a thumbnail of said photo.  Macmailapp has 
> stopped showing those and just shows me a little question mark instead.  I’ve 
> tried turning off all mail privacy in the preferences, but that hasn’t helped.
> Has anyone else dealt with and resolved this issue?
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Mac mail and Flickr not playing nice

2023-05-11 Thread Larry Colen
Flickr sends me notifications when someone likes one of my photos.  Those 
notifications have a link to a thumbnail of said photo.  Macmailapp has stopped 
showing those and just shows me a little question mark instead.  I’ve tried 
turning off all mail privacy in the preferences, but that hasn’t helped.

Has anyone else dealt with and resolved this issue?

Larry Colen  sent from ret13est

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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-12 Thread Henk Terhell
I fully agree with Godfrey on the value of Flickr Pro for image storage 
and easy presentation with private access or by friends, family or 
general public.
However I cannot store my DNG RAW files on Flickr so these I keep on 
local disks.


Op 2021-10-12 om 03:13 schreef Godfrey DiGiorgi:

I use Flickr and have been using it for the past 14 years or so.

How much is a Flickr PRO subscription?

Monthly Retail price: USD $6.99, plus tax
3-Month Retail price: USD $18.99, plus tax (USD $6.33 a month)
Annual Retail price: USD $59.99, plus tax (USD $4.99 a month)


Monthly Retail price: £6.49, VAT inclusive
3-Month Retail price: £16.99, VAT inclusive
Annual Retail price: £55.88, VAT inclusive


Monthly Retail price: €7.49, VAT inclusive
3-Month Retail price: €19.99, VAT inclusive
Annual Retail price: €65.88, VAT inclusive

US$60 per year is US$5 per month. Considering how many *thousands* of image 
files (5,329 as of this moment) they maintain on my behalf—both public and 
private access; JPEG and raw format—and how effectively the site works for both 
image presentation and web sharing photos to a half-dozen different photo and 
other forums, I consider that cheap: a bargain.

Generally, you get what you pay for. Free stuff is often quite without any 

On reflection, that monthly charge is less than I spend per day on 
an espresso and a snack at the local cafe. Maybe I should start making my own 
espresso? ;)


"No matter where you go, there you are."

On Oct 3, 2021, at 11:10 AM, Steve Cottrell  wrote:

Evening all, I need to put some photos together into a gallery, I normally post 
them on my own website, but it’s tiresome doing it manually - any 
recommendations please for a simple gallery provider, preferably free, easy to 
use and nothing annoying? Larry’s Brit Car Meet was on Flickr and that looked 
fine and I liked how easy it is to click through one at a time. Any catches 
with Flickr Larry?



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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-11 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
I use Flickr and have been using it for the past 14 years or so.

How much is a Flickr PRO subscription?

Monthly Retail price: USD $6.99, plus tax
3-Month Retail price: USD $18.99, plus tax (USD $6.33 a month)
Annual Retail price: USD $59.99, plus tax (USD $4.99 a month)


Monthly Retail price: £6.49, VAT inclusive
3-Month Retail price: £16.99, VAT inclusive
Annual Retail price: £55.88, VAT inclusive


Monthly Retail price: €7.49, VAT inclusive
3-Month Retail price: €19.99, VAT inclusive
Annual Retail price: €65.88, VAT inclusive

US$60 per year is US$5 per month. Considering how many *thousands* of image 
files (5,329 as of this moment) they maintain on my behalf—both public and 
private access; JPEG and raw format—and how effectively the site works for both 
image presentation and web sharing photos to a half-dozen different photo and 
other forums, I consider that cheap: a bargain. 

Generally, you get what you pay for. Free stuff is often quite without any 

On reflection, that monthly charge is less than I spend per day on 
an espresso and a snack at the local cafe. Maybe I should start making my own 
espresso? ;)


"No matter where you go, there you are."

> On Oct 3, 2021, at 11:10 AM, Steve Cottrell  wrote:
> Evening all, I need to put some photos together into a gallery, I normally 
> post them on my own website, but it’s tiresome doing it manually - any 
> recommendations please for a simple gallery provider, preferably free, easy 
> to use and nothing annoying? Larry’s Brit Car Meet was on Flickr and that 
> looked fine and I liked how easy it is to click through one at a time. Any 
> catches with Flickr Larry?
> Cheers
> cotty
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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-05 Thread Steve Cottrell
Thanks Igor - that’s really useful info.

I’ve signed up with Flickr and with a free account I get to upload 1000 images. 
That’s absolutely fine as I just want to do some quick galleries of 
boatbuilding stuff, a hundred or so.

I do have Amazon Prime and I didn’t know about the photo hosting so will take a 
closer look at that too.

I saw Google did it but it needs access to my photos and contacts and God knows 
what, which I’m not prepared to do. I don’t backup in the cloud, I backup 
manually locally so they can suck it!!

Thanks again mate


On 4 Oct 2021, at 00:24, Igor PDML-StR  wrote:

My wife has a flickr account. For several years, she's been paying an annual 
fee, but a year or two ago, they raised the prices beyond reasonable, so, she 
didn't renew it. The account is still available, but there are very low limits 
on how much you can upload or show, or see.. I don't remember the latest 

If you have Amazon Prime, - you can use their photo storage for free, - and 
display photos (you can organize them in albums) on the web, - somewhat similar 
to flickr, but maybe with fewer organizational controls - I didn't get into the 
details myself.

Yet another "free" alternative - is to use Google photos - you can store up to 
15 GB worth of files per the entire Google account (including Gmail, G-drive, 
G-docs, etc.)

There are a few other websites that have free options - I don't know what are 
the limits: Wix, 500px, SmugMug
A few more are listed here:

Hope that helps,
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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-04 Thread Richard Klein may work for you.


On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 2:10 PM Steve Cottrell  wrote:

> Evening all, I need to put some photos together into a gallery, I normally
> post them on my own website, but it’s tiresome doing it manually - any
> recommendations please for a simple gallery provider, preferably free, easy
> to use and nothing annoying? Larry’s Brit Car Meet was on Flickr and that
> looked fine and I liked how easy it is to click through one at a time. Any
> catches with Flickr Larry?
> Cheers
> cotty
> --
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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-03 Thread Alan C
The free limit on Flickr is 1000 photos. I have been deleting some 
"unnecessary" posts to keep below 1000 but it looks like I will either 
have to go Pro or perhaps try a second free account with a different 
e-mail address. Pro is $59.50/a which is SAR900/a - quite expensive.

Alan C

On 04-Oct-21 01:24 AM, Igor PDML-StR wrote:

My wife has a flickr account. For several years, she's been paying an 
annual fee, but a year or two ago, they raised the prices beyond 
reasonable, so, she didn't renew it. The account is still available, 
but there are very low limits on how much you can upload or show, or 
see.. I don't remember the latest details.

If you have Amazon Prime, - you can use their photo storage for free, 
- and display photos (you can organize them in albums) on the web, - 
somewhat similar to flickr, but maybe with fewer organizational 
controls - I didn't get into the details myself.

Yet another "free" alternative - is to use Google photos - you can 
store up to 15 GB worth of files per the entire Google account 
(including Gmail, G-drive, G-docs, etc.)

There are a few other websites that have free options - I don't know 
what are the limits: Wix, 500px, SmugMug

A few more are listed here:

Hope that helps,

Steve Cottrell Sun, 03 Oct 2021 15:15:52 -0700 wrote:

Thanks mate!


On 3 Oct 2021, at 20:41, Larry Colen  wrote:

It used to be that you could get a free flickr account that would be 
fine for

what you’re trying to do.

There are a range of issues with flickr, but if they still have the free
accounts, none of them should matter in this instance.
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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-03 Thread Igor PDML-StR

My wife has a flickr account. For several years, she's been paying an 
annual fee, but a year or two ago, they raised the prices beyond 
reasonable, so, she didn't renew it. The account is still available, but 
there are very low limits on how much you can upload or show, or see.. I 
don't remember the latest details.

If you have Amazon Prime, - you can use their photo storage for free, - 
and display photos (you can organize them in albums) on the web, - 
somewhat similar to flickr, but maybe with fewer organizational controls - 
I didn't get into the details myself.

Yet another "free" alternative - is to use Google photos - you can store 
up to 15 GB worth of files per the entire Google account (including Gmail, 
G-drive, G-docs, etc.)

There are a few other websites that have free options - I don't know what 
are the limits: Wix, 500px, SmugMug

A few more are listed here:

Hope that helps,

Steve Cottrell Sun, 03 Oct 2021 15:15:52 -0700 wrote:

Thanks mate!


On 3 Oct 2021, at 20:41, Larry Colen  wrote:

It used to be that you could get a free flickr account that would be fine 

what you’re trying to do.

There are a range of issues with flickr, but if they still have the free
accounts, none of them should matter in this instance.
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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-03 Thread Steve Cottrell
Thanks mate!


On 3 Oct 2021, at 20:41, Larry Colen  wrote:

It used to be that you could get a free flickr account that would be fine for 
what you’re trying to do.  

There are a range of issues with flickr, but if they still have the free 
accounts, none of them should matter in this instance.
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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-03 Thread Steve Cottrell
Stan the Man! How are you mate?

Thanks for the info. I don’t have Lightroom and zero Adobe accounts. My son 
does, and he can have 2 authorised versions of CS6, so I use CS6.


On 3 Oct 2021, at 22:50, Stan Halpin  wrote:

If you use Lightroom and have an Adobe account, then I suggest that 
infrastructure. It is simple to drag/drop some images into a Collection, define 
the collection as something you would like synced, et voila you have a gallery 
on line. 
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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-03 Thread Stan Halpin
If you use Lightroom and have an Adobe account, then I suggest that 
infrastructure. It is simple to drag/drop some images into a Collection, define 
the collection as something you would like synced, et voila you have a gallery 
on line. 


Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 3, 2021, at 2:10 PM, Steve Cottrell  wrote:
> Evening all, I need to put some photos together into a gallery, I normally 
> post them on my own website, but it’s tiresome doing it manually - any 
> recommendations please for a simple gallery provider, preferably free, easy 
> to use and nothing annoying? Larry’s Brit Car Meet was on Flickr and that 
> looked fine and I liked how easy it is to click through one at a time. Any 
> catches with Flickr Larry?
> Cheers
> cotty
> --
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Re: Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-03 Thread Larry Colen
It used to be that you could get a free flickr account that would be fine for 
what you’re trying to do.  

There are a range of issues with flickr, but if they still have the free 
accounts, none of them should matter in this instance.

> On Oct 3, 2021, at 11:10 AM, Steve Cottrell  wrote:
> Evening all, I need to put some photos together into a gallery, I normally 
> post them on my own website, but it’s tiresome doing it manually - any 
> recommendations please for a simple gallery provider, preferably free, easy 
> to use and nothing annoying? Larry’s Brit Car Meet was on Flickr and that 
> looked fine and I liked how easy it is to click through one at a time. Any 
> catches with Flickr Larry?
> Cheers
> cotty
> --
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Larry Colen

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Photo Hosting Site - Flickr or.....?

2021-10-03 Thread Steve Cottrell
Evening all, I need to put some photos together into a gallery, I normally post 
them on my own website, but it’s tiresome doing it manually - any 
recommendations please for a simple gallery provider, preferably free, easy to 
use and nothing annoying? Larry’s Brit Car Meet was on Flickr and that looked 
fine and I liked how easy it is to click through one at a time. Any catches 
with Flickr Larry?


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Re: Flickr

2019-08-15 Thread David J Brooks
I think i sorted it out, i hit the create account to see what would happen
and it took me to a page to confirm user email and set new password. I
thought that link was only for new accounts, learn something new


On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 11:39 AM John  wrote:

> I still use my Yahoo email address, but they had me choose a new password
> the
> first time I logged in after the split.
> On 8/14/2019 10:18:28, David J Brooks wrote:
> > I know Flicker is going through changes because of the take over but i
> > cannot log into my account now. Does anyone have a link or what not to go
> > to to reset this up. I have looked at my old emails and i see nothing
> about
> > setting up any new accounts. It wants me to sign in with yahoo which it
> > does not seem to recognize.
> >
> > Dave
> >
> --
> Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
> Religion - Answers we must never question.
> --
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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada
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Re: Flickr

2019-08-15 Thread John
I still use my Yahoo email address, but they had me choose a new password the 
first time I logged in after the split.

On 8/14/2019 10:18:28, David J Brooks wrote:

I know Flicker is going through changes because of the take over but i
cannot log into my account now. Does anyone have a link or what not to go
to to reset this up. I have looked at my old emails and i see nothing about
setting up any new accounts. It wants me to sign in with yahoo which it
does not seem to recognize.


Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
Religion - Answers we must never question.

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Re: Flickr

2019-08-15 Thread Henk Terhell
Dave, there is a help link underneath the login box, which lead you to 
answers about deleting your yahoo login.

I have earlier changed to using gmail login


Op 2019-08-14 om 16:18 schreef David J Brooks:

I know Flicker is going through changes because of the take over but i
cannot log into my account now. Does anyone have a link or what not to go
to to reset this up. I have looked at my old emails and i see nothing about
setting up any new accounts. It wants me to sign in with yahoo which it
does not seem to recognize.


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2019-08-14 Thread David J Brooks
I know Flicker is going through changes because of the take over but i
cannot log into my account now. Does anyone have a link or what not to go
to to reset this up. I have looked at my old emails and i see nothing about
setting up any new accounts. It wants me to sign in with yahoo which it
does not seem to recognize.


Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada
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Re: Flickr, etc (was: GESO 2018 - 094-099 - GDG)

2018-11-05 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
Flickr is much less effort to maintain than that, and has a community of users 
to interact with rather than just being your work on your website. I've done 
both; running your own website is a very different thing compared to 
participation in a service like Flickr. 


> On Nov 5, 2018, at 7:11 PM, J.C. O'Connell  wrote:
> why not just buy webspace thru godaddy or something similar and upload
> anything you want, and how you want. my godaddy account is only $99 a year.
> jco

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Re: Flickr

2018-05-20 Thread Jostein

Den 20.05.2018 16:12, skrev

As we announced on April 20th [1], Flickr has agreed to be acquired by

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2018-05-20 Thread cole

As we announced on April 20th [1], Flickr has agreed to be acquired by
SmugMug, the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
SmugMug has a long history of empowering people who love photography and
who want to improve their craft, making them a perfect fit for Flickr
and our creative community. 

Flickr product and brand will live on under SmugMug ownership. You will
still access the same Flickr you know and love at [2] and
you will continue to have options for free and Pro Flickr accounts.
Until we notify you otherwise, you will continue to use your current
login credentials. 

As a result of the acquisition, Flickr accounts will be governed by
SmugMug's Terms of Service for Flickr [3] and Privacy Policy for Flickr
[4]. The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of Flickr's current owner,
Oath (formerly Yahoo), will not apply to the use of Flickr after the
acquisition. You have until May 25, 2018 to review SmugMug's Terms and
Privacy Policy. If you do nothing in that time, your account will simply
transition to SmugMug's Terms of Service for Flickr and Privacy Policy
for Flickr after the acquisition. 

If you do not consent to SmugMug's Terms and Privacy Policy, you will
need to delete your Flickr account through your Account Settings [5]. If
you want to preserve a copy of your photos, be sure to download them
from your Camera Roll [6] first. 

Read more detailed FAQs [7] about this transition on the Flickr Blog. 

We're happy that Flickr is your home for photography and we look forward
to the next chapter in our adventure together as we join the SmugMug
family. Thanks,
The Flickr Team 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: OT: why we bought Flickr according to SmugMug CEO

2018-05-07 Thread Bruce Walker
On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 2:09 PM, John  wrote:
> On 5/7/2018 13:17, Bruce Walker wrote:
>> Sounds promising, actually. Plan is to keep them separate but bridge
>> them in some useful way. SmugMug has a photographer-centric viewpoint
>> versus social media's advertising slant.
> The only problem I foresee with SmugMug buying Flickr is that when Yahoo
> owned them I had to use my Yahoo login to login to Flickr. And that's been
> so long that I don't remember my original Flickr username & password from
> BEFORE Yahoo bought them.
> I'm wondering if there's going to be any problem resurrecting an independent
> Flickr login for those of us who don't want to use our Yahoo login for
> something that is no longer part of Yahoo?

SmugMug will have to figure that out together with Yahoo. Yahoo
purposely reconfigured the Flickr authentication process to be
integrated with Yahoo's many years ago and I'm pretty sure that by now
all the original Flickr login credentials are history. Part of the
ownership cut-over will have to involve separating Flickr completely
from any Yahoo infrastructure in a clean way. It's been done before --
correctly -- so I'm confident it will happen in this case too and I'm
not too concerned myself.

I just hope they manage a cleaner cutover than the TSB/Lloyd's banking disaster.


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to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: OT: why we bought Flickr according to SmugMug CEO

2018-05-07 Thread John

On 5/7/2018 13:17, Bruce Walker wrote:

Sounds promising, actually. Plan is to keep them separate but bridge
them in some useful way. SmugMug has a photographer-centric viewpoint
versus social media's advertising slant.

The only problem I foresee with SmugMug buying Flickr is that when Yahoo owned 
them I had to use my Yahoo login to login to Flickr. And that's been so long 
that I don't remember my original Flickr username & password from BEFORE Yahoo 
bought them.

I'm wondering if there's going to be any problem resurrecting an independent 
Flickr login for those of us who don't want to use our Yahoo login for something 
that is no longer part of Yahoo?

Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
Religion - Answers we must never question.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

OT: why we bought Flickr according to SmugMug CEO

2018-05-07 Thread Bruce Walker
Sounds promising, actually. Plan is to keep them separate but bridge
them in some useful way. SmugMug has a photographer-centric viewpoint
versus social media's advertising slant.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: Text of e-mail from Flickr

2018-04-24 Thread Igor PDML-StR

Flickr has one very useful feature: you can search for images using 
specific type of license, such as Creative Commons.
This is useful for individuals (for blogs, presentations, small 
websites, etc.) and small businesses who want to use "free" images

without violating copyright laws.
I hope Smugmug will keep that.

Does Smugmug have that?
A while ago I've looked for that feature on various major photo-hosting 
websites, and I didn't find it.


ann sanfedele Sat, 21 Apr 2018 12:26:21 -0700 wrote:

Thanks , Henk - glad you enjoyed a browse- hope you found it easy to 

A couple of points:

The website is structured as an image bank for me and for stock photo or 
fine art sales, People can even buy downloads in various sizes..

The main galleries in the "on the road or on foot" section ,as you surely 
noticed, is divided into a bunch of galleries by date or subject matter.

The black background and the arrangement of thumbnails is all my design 
choice... it is not everyone's - there are a lot of styles, fonts and 
colors to pick from. The banner is totally my design.Some galleries use 
the smugmug style for the index page, and some are what they call collage 
landscape - which is the only other one I use.

There should not be ANY comments from anyone else in any of the 
galleries... I want comments and questions only in private email. There 
may be a couple of exceptionswhere I've asked for ID's or in the family 
galleries... not on photos I"m selling.

Yes, flickr is more of a social media  and I ain't interested - PDML and 
facebook is more than enough for that.  the white background is one of 
many things I dislike about viewing photos on fiickr..


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: smugmug joining with flickr

2018-04-21 Thread P. J. Alling
I always disliked Flickr, for a number of reasons.  If it's Smugmug 
that's acquiring Flickr rather than the other way around you probably 
have nothing to worry about.  That said, either is still a lot better 

On 4/21/2018 12:14 PM, ann sanfedele wrote:
Why does it suck for those of us who are Smugmug users?  should I be 


On 4/21/2018 11:00 AM, P. J. Alling wrote:
Well that really sux for users of Smugmug, I'd say it sux for users 
of Flickr too, but that goes without saying.

On 4/20/2018 8:22 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
I went to flickr and there was a page about flickr and smugmug now 
being together, with a link to

It doesn't say much but it did have this graphic of a dumpster fire: 

America wasn't founded so that we could all be better.
America was founded so we could all be anything we damn well please.
- P.J. O'Rourke

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: Text of e-mail from Flickr

2018-04-21 Thread ann sanfedele
Thanks , Henk - glad you enjoyed a browse- hope you found it easy to 

A couple of points:

The website is structured as an image bank for me and for stock photo or 
fine art sales, People can even buy downloads in various sizes..

The main galleries in the "on the road or on foot" section ,as you 
surely noticed, is divided into a bunch of galleries by date or subject 

The black background and the arrangement of thumbnails is all my design 
choice... it is not everyone's - there are a lot of styles, fonts and 
colors to pick from.
The banner is totally my design.Some galleries use the smugmug style for 
the index page, and some are what they call collage landscape - which is 
the only other one I use.

There should not be ANY comments from anyone else in any of the 
galleries... I want comments and questions only in private email. There 
may be a couple of exceptionswhere I've asked for ID's or in the family 
galleries... not on photos I"m selling.

Yes, flickr is more of a social media  and I ain't interested - PDML and 
facebook is more than enough for that.  the white background is one of 
many things I dislike about viewing photos on fiickr..


On 4/21/2018 12:28 PM, Henk Terhell wrote:

Ann, that's an impressive gallery! Glad you shared it.
It will take more time to look at all of the pics, but that squirrel 
looking at the hawk is extremely fascinating.

You will have plenty to choose from for the May pug!
The smugmug layout is pretty good and I like the black background more 
than the white one on Flickr.
I only seem to miss interactions/reactions/favorites or whatever, only 
individual comments, so it looks Flickr is more of a social media.
But there is not much to worry about the take over -  I'll see what 


Op 2018-04-21 om 15:40 schreef ann sanfedele:
I've been off list for a few days and deleted all the mail for the 
last month or so.. glad to come back to see this

I'm a long time smugmugger and I love it... easy to upload, choices 
of landing page format and good levels of privacy settings. live chat 
for help..
I cant' even count how many images I've got there - I'vemade a bit of 
money through them, too.  I'm at the so called portfolio level.  I 
have pretty much total control over the way my landing page looks - 
easy search box at top of the landing page, and I can control the 
appearance of eachy gallery separately if I want to.

take a look at my landing page, Henk, but please, not on a phone- on 
a desktop :-)


On 4/21/2018 5:25 AM, Henk Terhell wrote:
Hopefully (as said in the FAQ), the Flickr service is not going to 
change in the foreseeable future.
Having stored now close to 6000 of my selected pics on Flickr in 
full resolution for $ 25/year, I'm happy with Flickr as it is now.
The choice of private/friends/family/public works fine. Also there 
are so many groups of common interest in subjects.
I also maintain on Flickr a community (public) image bank as the 
arrangement of albums or sets and frequently extensive descriptions 
of the images are so much more conveniently done than on a hosted 

I've no experience at all how current smugmug handles all this.


Op 2018-04-21 om 07:29 schreef Alan C:
We’re excited to announce that Flickr has agreed to be acquired by 
SmugMug, the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
SmugMug has a long history of empowering people who love 
photography and who want to improve their craft, making them a 
perfect fit for Flickr and our creative community. With SmugMug, 
we’ll continue to focus on you, the Flickr members who inspire us 
all with your work.

Nothing will change immediately with regard to your Flickr account. 
You will still access Flickr with your current login credentials 
and you will have the same Flickr experience as you do now. We will 
continue to work to make your Flickr experience even better.

We think you are going to love Flickr under SmugMug ownership, but 
you can choose to not have your Flickr account and data transferred 
to SmugMug until May 25, 2018. If you want to keep your Flickr 
account and data from being transferred, you must go to your Flickr 
account to download the photos and videos you want to keep, then 
delete your account from your Account Settings by May 25, 2018.

If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr 
account and data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by 
SmugMug’s Terms and Privacy Policy.

Read more detailed FAQs about this transition on the Flickr Blog.

We’re happy that Flickr is your home for photography and we look 
forward to the next chapter in our adventure together as we join 
the SmugMug family.

The Flickr Team

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


Re: Text of e-mail from Flickr

2018-04-21 Thread Henk Terhell

Ann, that's an impressive gallery! Glad you shared it.
It will take more time to look at all of the pics, but that squirrel 
looking at the hawk is extremely fascinating.

You will have plenty to choose from for the May pug!
The smugmug layout is pretty good and I like the black background more 
than the white one on Flickr.
I only seem to miss interactions/reactions/favorites or whatever, only 
individual comments, so it looks Flickr is more of a social media.

But there is not much to worry about the take over -  I'll see what happens.


Op 2018-04-21 om 15:40 schreef ann sanfedele:
I've been off list for a few days and deleted all the mail for the 
last month or so.. glad to come back to see this

I'm a long time smugmugger and I love it... easy to upload, choices of 
landing page format and good levels of privacy settings. live chat for 
I cant' even count how many images I've got there - I'vemade a bit of 
money through them, too.  I'm at the so called portfolio level.  I 
have pretty much total control over the way my landing page looks - 
easy search box at top of the landing page, and I can control the 
appearance of eachy gallery separately if I want to.

take a look at my landing page, Henk, but please, not on a phone- on a 
desktop :-)


On 4/21/2018 5:25 AM, Henk Terhell wrote:
Hopefully (as said in the FAQ), the Flickr service is not going to 
change in the foreseeable future.
Having stored now close to 6000 of my selected pics on Flickr in full 
resolution for $ 25/year, I'm happy with Flickr as it is now.
The choice of private/friends/family/public works fine. Also there 
are so many groups of common interest in subjects.
I also maintain on Flickr a community (public) image bank as the 
arrangement of albums or sets and frequently extensive descriptions 
of the images are so much more conveniently done than on a hosted 

I've no experience at all how current smugmug handles all this.


Op 2018-04-21 om 07:29 schreef Alan C:
We’re excited to announce that Flickr has agreed to be acquired by 
SmugMug, the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
SmugMug has a long history of empowering people who love photography 
and who want to improve their craft, making them a perfect fit for 
Flickr and our creative community. With SmugMug, we’ll continue to 
focus on you, the Flickr members who inspire us all with your work.

Nothing will change immediately with regard to your Flickr account. 
You will still access Flickr with your current login credentials and 
you will have the same Flickr experience as you do now. We will 
continue to work to make your Flickr experience even better.

We think you are going to love Flickr under SmugMug ownership, but 
you can choose to not have your Flickr account and data transferred 
to SmugMug until May 25, 2018. If you want to keep your Flickr 
account and data from being transferred, you must go to your Flickr 
account to download the photos and videos you want to keep, then 
delete your account from your Account Settings by May 25, 2018.

If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr 
account and data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by 
SmugMug’s Terms and Privacy Policy.

Read more detailed FAQs about this transition on the Flickr Blog.

We’re happy that Flickr is your home for photography and we look 
forward to the next chapter in our adventure together as we join the 
SmugMug family.

The Flickr Team

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: smugmug joining with flickr

2018-04-21 Thread ann sanfedele
Why does it suck for those of us who are Smugmug users?  should I be 


On 4/21/2018 11:00 AM, P. J. Alling wrote:
Well that really sux for users of Smugmug, I'd say it sux for users of 
Flickr too, but that goes without saying.

On 4/20/2018 8:22 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
I went to flickr and there was a page about flickr and smugmug now 
being together, with a link to

It doesn't say much but it did have this graphic of a dumpster fire: 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: smugmug joining with flickr

2018-04-21 Thread P. J. Alling
I have a dropbox account and get the same dialog.  I'm not logged in on 
my browser, but just clicking anywhere on the browser screen should 
dismiss the dialog and show the image.

On 4/20/2018 10:25 PM, John Sessoms wrote:
I just saw that on Google News. The Dropbox link doesn't quite work. 
Instead of an image I get a dialog box to create a new Dropbox account.

On 4/20/2018 8:22 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
I went to flickr and there was a page about flickr and smugmug now 
being together, with a link to

It doesn't say much but it did have this graphic of a dumpster fire: 

America wasn't founded so that we could all be better.
America was founded so we could all be anything we damn well please.
- P.J. O'Rourke

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: smugmug joining with flickr

2018-04-21 Thread P. J. Alling
Well that really sux for users of Smugmug, I'd say it sux for users of 
Flickr too, but that goes without saying.

On 4/20/2018 8:22 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
I went to flickr and there was a page about flickr and smugmug now 
being together, with a link to

It doesn't say much but it did have this graphic of a dumpster fire: 

America wasn't founded so that we could all be better.
America was founded so we could all be anything we damn well please.
- P.J. O'Rourke

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: Text of e-mail from Flickr

2018-04-21 Thread ann sanfedele

hot link :

(the one below used towork)

On 4/21/2018 9:40 AM, ann sanfedele wrote:
I've been off list for a few days and deleted all the mail for the 
last month or so.. glad to come back to see this

I'm a long time smugmugger and I love it... easy to upload, choices of 
landing page format and good levels of privacy settings. live chat for 
I cant' even count how many images I've got there - I'vemade a bit of 
money through them, too.  I'm at the so called portfolio level.  I 
have pretty much total control over the way my landing page looks - 
easy search box at top of the landing page, and I can control the 
appearance of eachy gallery separately if I want to.

take a look at my landing page, Henk, but please, not on a phone- on a 
desktop :-)


On 4/21/2018 5:25 AM, Henk Terhell wrote:
Hopefully (as said in the FAQ), the Flickr service is not going to 
change in the foreseeable future.
Having stored now close to 6000 of my selected pics on Flickr in full 
resolution for $ 25/year, I'm happy with Flickr as it is now.
The choice of private/friends/family/public works fine. Also there 
are so many groups of common interest in subjects.
I also maintain on Flickr a community (public) image bank as the 
arrangement of albums or sets and frequently extensive descriptions 
of the images are so much more conveniently done than on a hosted 

I've no experience at all how current smugmug handles all this.


Op 2018-04-21 om 07:29 schreef Alan C:
We’re excited to announce that Flickr has agreed to be acquired by 
SmugMug, the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
SmugMug has a long history of empowering people who love photography 
and who want to improve their craft, making them a perfect fit for 
Flickr and our creative community. With SmugMug, we’ll continue to 
focus on you, the Flickr members who inspire us all with your work.

Nothing will change immediately with regard to your Flickr account. 
You will still access Flickr with your current login credentials and 
you will have the same Flickr experience as you do now. We will 
continue to work to make your Flickr experience even better.

We think you are going to love Flickr under SmugMug ownership, but 
you can choose to not have your Flickr account and data transferred 
to SmugMug until May 25, 2018. If you want to keep your Flickr 
account and data from being transferred, you must go to your Flickr 
account to download the photos and videos you want to keep, then 
delete your account from your Account Settings by May 25, 2018.

If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr 
account and data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by 
SmugMug’s Terms and Privacy Policy.

Read more detailed FAQs about this transition on the Flickr Blog.

We’re happy that Flickr is your home for photography and we look 
forward to the next chapter in our adventure together as we join the 
SmugMug family.

The Flickr Team

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: Text of e-mail from Flickr

2018-04-21 Thread ann sanfedele
I've been off list for a few days and deleted all the mail for the last 
month or so.. glad to come back to see this

I'm a long time smugmugger and I love it... easy to upload, choices of 
landing page format and good levels of privacy settings. live chat for 
I cant' even count how many images I've got there - I'vemade a bit of 
money through them, too.  I'm at the so called portfolio level.  I have 
pretty much total control over the way my landing page looks - easy 
search box at top of the landing page, and I can control the appearance 
of eachy gallery separately if I want to.

take a look at my landing page, Henk, but please, not on a phone- on a 
desktop :-)


On 4/21/2018 5:25 AM, Henk Terhell wrote:
Hopefully (as said in the FAQ), the Flickr service is not going to 
change in the foreseeable future.
Having stored now close to 6000 of my selected pics on Flickr in full 
resolution for $ 25/year, I'm happy with Flickr as it is now.
The choice of private/friends/family/public works fine. Also there are 
so many groups of common interest in subjects.
I also maintain on Flickr a community (public) image bank as the 
arrangement of albums or sets and frequently extensive descriptions of 
the images are so much more conveniently done than on a hosted website.

I've no experience at all how current smugmug handles all this.


Op 2018-04-21 om 07:29 schreef Alan C:
We’re excited to announce that Flickr has agreed to be acquired by 
SmugMug, the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
SmugMug has a long history of empowering people who love photography 
and who want to improve their craft, making them a perfect fit for 
Flickr and our creative community. With SmugMug, we’ll continue to 
focus on you, the Flickr members who inspire us all with your work.

Nothing will change immediately with regard to your Flickr account. 
You will still access Flickr with your current login credentials and 
you will have the same Flickr experience as you do now. We will 
continue to work to make your Flickr experience even better.

We think you are going to love Flickr under SmugMug ownership, but 
you can choose to not have your Flickr account and data transferred 
to SmugMug until May 25, 2018. If you want to keep your Flickr 
account and data from being transferred, you must go to your Flickr 
account to download the photos and videos you want to keep, then 
delete your account from your Account Settings by May 25, 2018.

If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr 
account and data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by 
SmugMug’s Terms and Privacy Policy.

Read more detailed FAQs about this transition on the Flickr Blog.

We’re happy that Flickr is your home for photography and we look 
forward to the next chapter in our adventure together as we join the 
SmugMug family.

The Flickr Team

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: Text of e-mail from Flickr

2018-04-21 Thread Henk Terhell
Hopefully (as said in the FAQ), the Flickr service is not going to 
change in the foreseeable future.
Having stored now close to 6000 of my selected pics on Flickr in full 
resolution for $ 25/year, I'm happy with Flickr as it is now.
The choice of private/friends/family/public works fine. Also there are 
so many groups of common interest in subjects.
I also maintain on Flickr a community (public) image bank as the 
arrangement of albums or sets and frequently extensive descriptions of 
the images are so much more conveniently done than on a hosted website.

I've no experience at all how current smugmug handles all this.


Op 2018-04-21 om 07:29 schreef Alan C:
We’re excited to announce that Flickr has agreed to be acquired by 
SmugMug, the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
SmugMug has a long history of empowering people who love photography 
and who want to improve their craft, making them a perfect fit for 
Flickr and our creative community. With SmugMug, we’ll continue to 
focus on you, the Flickr members who inspire us all with your work.

Nothing will change immediately with regard to your Flickr account. 
You will still access Flickr with your current login credentials and 
you will have the same Flickr experience as you do now. We will 
continue to work to make your Flickr experience even better.

We think you are going to love Flickr under SmugMug ownership, but you 
can choose to not have your Flickr account and data transferred to 
SmugMug until May 25, 2018. If you want to keep your Flickr account 
and data from being transferred, you must go to your Flickr account to 
download the photos and videos you want to keep, then delete your 
account from your Account Settings by May 25, 2018.

If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr account 
and data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by SmugMug’s 
Terms and Privacy Policy.

Read more detailed FAQs about this transition on the Flickr Blog.

We’re happy that Flickr is your home for photography and we look 
forward to the next chapter in our adventure together as we join the 
SmugMug family.

The Flickr Team

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Text of e-mail from Flickr

2018-04-21 Thread Alan C
We’re excited to announce that Flickr has agreed to be acquired by SmugMug, 
the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
SmugMug has a long history of empowering people who love photography and who 
want to improve their craft, making them a perfect fit for Flickr and our 
creative community. With SmugMug, we’ll continue to focus on you, the Flickr 
members who inspire us all with your work.

Nothing will change immediately with regard to your Flickr account. You will 
still access Flickr with your current login credentials and you will have 
the same Flickr experience as you do now. We will continue to work to make 
your Flickr experience even better.

We think you are going to love Flickr under SmugMug ownership, but you can 
choose to not have your Flickr account and data transferred to SmugMug until 
May 25, 2018. If you want to keep your Flickr account and data from being 
transferred, you must go to your Flickr account to download the photos and 
videos you want to keep, then delete your account from your Account Settings 
by May 25, 2018.

If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr account and 
data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by SmugMug’s Terms and 
Privacy Policy.

Read more detailed FAQs about this transition on the Flickr Blog.

We’re happy that Flickr is your home for photography and we look forward to 
the next chapter in our adventure together as we join the SmugMug family.

The Flickr Team 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: smugmug joining with flickr

2018-04-20 Thread John Sessoms
I just saw that on Google News. The Dropbox link doesn't quite work. 
Instead of an image I get a dialog box to create a new Dropbox account.

On 4/20/2018 8:22 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
I went to flickr and there was a page about flickr and smugmug now being 
together, with a link to

It doesn't say much but it did have this graphic of a dumpster fire: 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

smugmug joining with flickr

2018-04-20 Thread Larry Colen
I went to flickr and there was a page about flickr and smugmug now being 
together, with a link to

It doesn't say much but it did have this graphic of a dumpster fire:

Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-25 Thread Larry Colen

P. J. Alling wrote:

Your problem is obvious, you're trying to use flickr.  I'd suggest a
still living photo host as opposed to one owned by Yahoo, which itself
is probably on life support.

And that is indeed on my todo list, but there are many other things much 
higher on my list than that: having breakfast, getting my car running, 
cleaning house, getting some work done on my contract, and that's just 

Since I'm no longer running my webserver through the slow connection to 
my house, I'll probably go back to hosting them on my own website, I'm 
just feeling a bit too busy these days to design everything to do it.

Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-25 Thread P. J. Alling
I'm actually more annoyed by the nagging to disable my add blocker, 
which also has a very off-putting overlay on the page in my browser,   
every time I follow a link that takes me to flickr. I've gotten enough 
poorly executed web adverts that have either hung my browser and 
required a restart or simply slowed everything to a crawl, that my 
response is f&*k off and die.

So I simply turn off javascript, and reload the page.  Sure I can't use 
any of flickrs other features after that but why would I want to.

On 3/23/2018 6:02 PM, John Francis wrote:

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 03:47:43PM -0400, John wrote:

On 3/23/2018 15:17, Larry Colen wrote:

Gonz wrote:

I ran into problems when I had retouched an image previously posted to
Flickr.?? I fixed the issue by removing the original from the
collection and then reexporting it.?? Seems that the incremental update
is/was broken. I don't know if this is the same problem you are

Nope, this is trying to upload things the first time.

The consensus seems to be that yahoo sucks.

Already knew that, but Flickr seems to have the least Hooveristic character
of the whole conglomeration.

>From your side, maybe.

I get royally pissed off by the continual "Sign up" nagging pop-ups
if I'm foolish enough to follow a posted link to a picture on flickr.

America wasn't founded so that we could all be better.
America was founded so we could all be anything we damn well please.
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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-25 Thread P. J. Alling
Your problem is obvious, you're trying to use flickr.  I'd suggest a 
still living photo host as opposed to one owned by Yahoo, which itself 
is probably on life support.

On 3/22/2018 10:03 AM, Larry Colen wrote:
Things broke for me a a week or so ago, and I haven't been able to 
upload photos from flickr since.  I was able to get one through today, 
then it broke again.  I'm getting a status code 504 error.  The 
customer support person is supremely unhelpful

America wasn't founded so that we could all be better.
America was founded so we could all be anything we damn well please.
- P.J. O'Rourke

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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-25 Thread Bob W-PDML

> On 25 Mar 2018, at 06:23, John  wrote:
>> On 3/25/2018 00:03, John Francis wrote:
>> I can sort of understand it for a newspaper site or something like that -
>> they're in the business of selling information, and they'd kind of like
>> to be paid for it.  But Flickr is in the business of selling hosting
>> for images, albums, etc. - their customer is, presumably, the photographer.
>> Trying to get a third party to pay for looking at their customer's images
>> seems to me to be acting against their customer's interests.
> Yeah, but I get the same nagging from other "photo hosting" sites.

They want to sell your data to Joseph Goebbels

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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-24 Thread John

On 3/25/2018 00:03, John Francis wrote:

On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 08:33:42AM -0400, John wrote:

On 3/23/2018 18:02, John Francis wrote:

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 03:47:43PM -0400, John wrote:

On 3/23/2018 15:17, Larry Colen wrote:

The consensus seems to be that yahoo sucks.

Already knew that, but Flickr seems to have the least Hooveristic character
of the whole conglomeration.

 From your side, maybe.

I get royally pissed off by the continual "Sign up" nagging pop-ups
if I'm foolish enough to follow a posted link to a picture on flickr.

It's not just flickr. It seems to be a common characteristic for *ALL* web
sites these days. Follow a posted link, get a nag screen from the site
wanting you to subscribe.

I can sort of understand it for a newspaper site or something like that -
they're in the business of selling information, and they'd kind of like
to be paid for it.  But Flickr is in the business of selling hosting
for images, albums, etc. - their customer is, presumably, the photographer.
Trying to get a third party to pay for looking at their customer's images
seems to me to be acting against their customer's interests.

Yeah, but I get the same nagging from other "photo hosting" sites.

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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-24 Thread lrc
You can get free Flickr accounts, they want people to get into the social media 
aspect of it. 

On March 24, 2018 9:03:01 PM PDT, John Francis  wrote:
>On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 08:33:42AM -0400, John wrote:
>> On 3/23/2018 18:02, John Francis wrote:
>> > On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 03:47:43PM -0400, John wrote:
>> > > On 3/23/2018 15:17, Larry Colen wrote:
>> > > > The consensus seems to be that yahoo sucks.
>> > > > 
>> > > 
>> > > Already knew that, but Flickr seems to have the least Hooveristic
>> > > of the whole conglomeration.
>> > 
>> > > From your side, maybe.
>> > 
>> > I get royally pissed off by the continual "Sign up" nagging pop-ups
>> > if I'm foolish enough to follow a posted link to a picture on
>> > 
>> > 
>> It's not just flickr. It seems to be a common characteristic for
>*ALL* web
>> sites these days. Follow a posted link, get a nag screen from the
>> wanting you to subscribe.
>I can sort of understand it for a newspaper site or something like that
>they're in the business of selling information, and they'd kind of like
>to be paid for it.  But Flickr is in the business of selling hosting
>for images, albums, etc. - their customer is, presumably, the
>Trying to get a third party to pay for looking at their customer's
>seems to me to be acting against their customer's interests.
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-24 Thread John Francis
On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 08:33:42AM -0400, John wrote:
> On 3/23/2018 18:02, John Francis wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 03:47:43PM -0400, John wrote:
> > > On 3/23/2018 15:17, Larry Colen wrote:
> > > > The consensus seems to be that yahoo sucks.
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Already knew that, but Flickr seems to have the least Hooveristic 
> > > character
> > > of the whole conglomeration.
> > 
> > > From your side, maybe.
> > 
> > I get royally pissed off by the continual "Sign up" nagging pop-ups
> > if I'm foolish enough to follow a posted link to a picture on flickr.
> > 
> > 
> It's not just flickr. It seems to be a common characteristic for *ALL* web
> sites these days. Follow a posted link, get a nag screen from the site
> wanting you to subscribe.

I can sort of understand it for a newspaper site or something like that -
they're in the business of selling information, and they'd kind of like
to be paid for it.  But Flickr is in the business of selling hosting
for images, albums, etc. - their customer is, presumably, the photographer.
Trying to get a third party to pay for looking at their customer's images
seems to me to be acting against their customer's interests.

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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-24 Thread John

On 3/23/2018 18:02, John Francis wrote:

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 03:47:43PM -0400, John wrote:

On 3/23/2018 15:17, Larry Colen wrote:

The consensus seems to be that yahoo sucks.

Already knew that, but Flickr seems to have the least Hooveristic character
of the whole conglomeration.

From your side, maybe.

I get royally pissed off by the continual "Sign up" nagging pop-ups
if I'm foolish enough to follow a posted link to a picture on flickr.

It's not just flickr. It seems to be a common characteristic for *ALL* web sites 
these days. Follow a posted link, get a nag screen from the site wanting you to 

Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
Religion - Answers we must never question.

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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-23 Thread John Francis
On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 03:47:43PM -0400, John wrote:
> On 3/23/2018 15:17, Larry Colen wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Gonz wrote:
> > > I ran into problems when I had retouched an image previously posted to
> > > Flickr.?? I fixed the issue by removing the original from the
> > > collection and then reexporting it.?? Seems that the incremental update
> > > is/was broken. I don't know if this is the same problem you are
> > > having.
> > 
> > Nope, this is trying to upload things the first time.
> > 
> > The consensus seems to be that yahoo sucks.
> > 
> Already knew that, but Flickr seems to have the least Hooveristic character
> of the whole conglomeration.

>From your side, maybe.

I get royally pissed off by the continual "Sign up" nagging pop-ups
if I'm foolish enough to follow a posted link to a picture on flickr.

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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-23 Thread John

On 3/23/2018 15:17, Larry Colen wrote:

Gonz wrote:

I ran into problems when I had retouched an image previously posted to
Flickr.  I fixed the issue by removing the original from the
collection and then reexporting it.  Seems that the incremental update
is/was broken. I don't know if this is the same problem you are

Nope, this is trying to upload things the first time.

The consensus seems to be that yahoo sucks.

Already knew that, but Flickr seems to have the least Hooveristic character of 
the whole conglomeration.

Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
Religion - Answers we must never question.

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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-23 Thread Larry Colen

Gonz wrote:

I ran into problems when I had retouched an image previously posted to
Flickr.  I fixed the issue by removing the original from the
collection and then reexporting it.  Seems that the incremental update
is/was broken. I don't know if this is the same problem you are

Nope, this is trying to upload things the first time.

The consensus seems to be that yahoo sucks.[id]=19413457#reply_19413457

Once I get out from under my current pile of crisis, I'll have to go 
back to hosting my photos on my own website.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 11:22 AM, John  wrote:

On 3/22/2018 10:03, Larry Colen wrote:

Things broke for me a a week or so ago, and I haven't been able to upload
photos from flickr since.  I was able to get one through today, then it
broke again.  I'm getting a status code 504 error.  The customer support
person is supremely unhelpful

I don't use Lightroom, so I can't help you there, but drag&  drop from the
Flickr web interface still works for me.

Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
Religion - Answers we must never question.

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Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)

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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-23 Thread Gonz
I ran into problems when I had retouched an image previously posted to
Flickr.  I fixed the issue by removing the original from the
collection and then reexporting it.  Seems that the incremental update
is/was broken. I don't know if this is the same problem you are

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 11:22 AM, John  wrote:
> On 3/22/2018 10:03, Larry Colen wrote:
>> Things broke for me a a week or so ago, and I haven't been able to upload
>> photos from flickr since.  I was able to get one through today, then it
>> broke again.  I'm getting a status code 504 error.  The customer support
>> person is supremely unhelpful
> I don't use Lightroom, so I can't help you there, but drag & drop from the
> Flickr web interface still works for me.
> --
> Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
> Religion - Answers we must never question.
> --
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-- Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding
it still. Dorothea Lange

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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-22 Thread John

On 3/22/2018 10:03, Larry Colen wrote:
Things broke for me a a week or so ago, and I haven't been able to upload photos 
from flickr since.  I was able to get one through today, then it broke again.  
I'm getting a status code 504 error.  The customer support person is supremely 

I don't use Lightroom, so I can't help you there, but drag & drop from the 
Flickr web interface still works for me.

Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
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Re: Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-22 Thread Henk Terhell
After the old Uploadr was no longer supported many months ago, I am 
uploading from  inside Flickr (upper arrow in cloud right above) and 
select my photos from the windows explorer. I haven't experienced any 
problems following that route.


Op 2018-03-22 om 15:03 schreef Larry Colen:
Things broke for me a a week or so ago, and I haven't been able to 
upload photos from flickr since.  I was able to get one through today, 
then it broke again.  I'm getting a status code 504 error.  The 
customer support person is supremely unhelpful

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Anybody else having problems uploading to flickr from lightroom?

2018-03-22 Thread Larry Colen
Things broke for me a a week or so ago, and I haven't been able to 
upload photos from flickr since.  I was able to get one through today, 
then it broke again.  I'm getting a status code 504 error.  The customer 
support person is supremely unhelpful

Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)

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Re: Stupid Flickr Question

2018-03-21 Thread Henk Terhell

Not to my knowledge.
A private photo is private in both photostream and albums.
A public photo is public in both photostream and albums.
An album is just a set or group of photos. Photos can be placed in 
multiple albums or none at all.


Op 2018-03-21 om 14:47 schreef John:

So, a photo can't be private in the Photostream, but public in an album?

On 3/21/2018 04:06, Henk Terhell wrote:
For yourself private and public photos all end up in your 
photostream. The public will of course only see public photos of your 
What I do is always upload as private and change those which may be 
visual to the public after the upload.

Albums will follow exactly the setting of photos as private or public.
You can arrange (organize) the order in an album the way you want, 
but you have to remember to do this again after new photos are placed 
in an album.


Op 2018-03-21 om 03:13 schreef John:
Can I make my photostream private so no one can see it, but still 
have albums of photos that I make "public"?

Flickr's help pages are kind of opaque & I haven't figured it out 
yet. The problem with the photostream is it has only ONE way to sort 
photos, in the date/time order you upload them.

I think the albums allow you to order the photos any way you want to.

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Re: Stupid Flickr Question

2018-03-21 Thread John

So, a photo can't be private in the Photostream, but public in an album?

On 3/21/2018 04:06, Henk Terhell wrote:
For yourself private and public photos all end up in your photostream. The 
public will of course only see public photos of your photosteam.
What I do is always upload as private and change those which may be visual to 
the public after the upload.

Albums will follow exactly the setting of photos as private or public.
You can arrange (organize) the order in an album the way you want, but you have 
to remember to do this again after new photos are placed in an album.


Op 2018-03-21 om 03:13 schreef John:
Can I make my photostream private so no one can see it, but still have albums 
of photos that I make "public"?

Flickr's help pages are kind of opaque & I haven't figured it out yet. The 
problem with the photostream is it has only ONE way to sort photos, in the 
date/time order you upload them.

I think the albums allow you to order the photos any way you want to.

Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
Religion - Answers we must never question.

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Re: Stupid Flickr Question

2018-03-21 Thread Henk Terhell
For yourself private and public photos all end up in your photostream. 
The public will of course only see public photos of your photosteam.
What I do is always upload as private and change those which may be 
visual to the public after the upload.

Albums will follow exactly the setting of photos as private or public.
You can arrange (organize) the order in an album the way you want, but 
you have to remember to do this again after new photos are placed in an 


Op 2018-03-21 om 03:13 schreef John:
Can I make my photostream private so no one can see it, but still have 
albums of photos that I make "public"?

Flickr's help pages are kind of opaque & I haven't figured it out yet. 
The problem with the photostream is it has only ONE way to sort 
photos, in the date/time order you upload them.

I think the albums allow you to order the photos any way you want to.

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Stupid Flickr Question

2018-03-20 Thread John
Can I make my photostream private so no one can see it, but still have albums of 
photos that I make "public"?

Flickr's help pages are kind of opaque & I haven't figured it out yet. The 
problem with the photostream is it has only ONE way to sort photos, in the 
date/time order you upload them.

I think the albums allow you to order the photos any way you want to.

Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
Religion - Answers we must never question.

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-22 Thread Jostein Øksne

Den 22. oktober 2016 10.21.53 CEST, skrev Larry Colen :
>On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 10:21:40AM +0200, Jostein Øksne wrote:
>> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography
>classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and
>attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of
>notification emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so
>> Here's the culprit:
>fluidr is just a front end for flickr. You can just change the https to
>http and flickr to fluidr and you get:

Aha! Will explore to see which interface may suit my students best. Thanks!

>By the way you have some annoyingly good photos in that album.
>such as:

Thanks! I'm quite proud of that one. It's the only real limestone cave in 
Southern Norway. It required a serious wide angle to capture, but I don't have 
one for the 645D. So I did a mosaic, and the resulting tiff is around 300 
megapixels, IIRC. Tough on the 'puter... :-) 

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. 

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-22 Thread Jostein Øksne
As long as you mind the kelp forests further out. :-) 

Den 22. oktober 2016 08.37.58 CEST, skrev David Mann :
>That looks ripe for a swimrun race.  Might need double wetsuits though.
>> On Oct 21, 2016, at 9:21 PM, Jostein Øksne  wrote:
>> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography
>classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and
>attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of
>notification emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so
>> Here's the culprit:
>> Jostein
>> -- 
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
>> -- 
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>and follow the directions.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-22 Thread Larry Colen

Jostein Øksne wrote:

I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography
classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and
attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of
notification emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so

Here's the culprit:

By the way fluidr is just a front end for flickr. You can just change 
the https to http and flickr to fluidr and you get:

I particularly like it for showing albums because it shows the pictures 
in larger format with the exif data

By the way you have some annoyingly good photos in that album.
such as:

If I don't want the exif data, I tend to prefer the flickriver front end:

Note that you can select, in the upper left, the size displayed.


-- Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-22 Thread Larry Colen
On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 10:21:40AM +0200, Jostein Øksne wrote:
> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography 
> classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and 
> attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of notification 
> emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so random.
> Here's the culprit:

fluidr is just a front end for flickr. You can just change the https to http 
and flickr to fluidr and you get:

I particularly like it for showing albums because it shows the pictures in 
larger format with the exif data

By the way you have some annoyingly good photos in that album.
such as:

If I don't want the exif data, I tend to prefer the flickriver front end:

Note that you can select, in the upper left, the size displayed.

> Jostein
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> -- 
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> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
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Larry Colen

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread David Mann
That looks ripe for a swimrun race.  Might need double wetsuits though.


> On Oct 21, 2016, at 9:21 PM, Jostein Øksne  wrote:
> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography 
> classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and 
> attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of notification 
> emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so random.
> Here's the culprit:
> Jostein
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> -- 
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> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Bob Sullivan
Like Ann says, gorgeous photo!  Regards,  Bob S.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 3:21 AM, Jostein Øksne  wrote:
> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography 
> classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and 
> attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of notification 
> emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so random.
> Here's the culprit:
> Jostein
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> --
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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread ann sanfedele
Yeah it is a classic...  anyway great shot.. and one of those places I'd 
have loved to ahve visited...   NOrway was on the bucket list I made in 
my 20's :-)


On 10/21/2016 4:35 PM, Jostein Øksne wrote:

Thanks Ann,
The location is Steigen, a place in Northern Norway.
The reason I took the image was that my great grandfather once painted this 
scene, and gave the painting to my grandparents as a wedding gift in 1920.
It was only a week ago I realised it was a good example of a characteristic 
type of landscape my students are supposed to learn about.

Den 21. oktober 2016 17.25.39 CEST, skrev ann sanfedele :

such gorgeousness - click on arrows you guys...- see more... some
classics there

Jostein, what's the location of the guilty scene?


On 10/21/2016 10:42 AM, Malcolm Smith wrote:

Jostein Øksne wrote:

Here's the culprit:



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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Paul Stenquist
Beautiful! Great light and composition.

Paul via phone

> On Oct 21, 2016, at 4:35 PM, Jostein Øksne  wrote:
> Thanks Ann,
> The location is Steigen, a place in Northern Norway.
> The reason I took the image was that my great grandfather once painted this 
> scene, and gave the painting to my grandparents as a wedding gift in 1920.
> It was only a week ago I realised it was a good example of a characteristic 
> type of landscape my students are supposed to learn about.
> Jostein 
> Den 21. oktober 2016 17.25.39 CEST, skrev ann sanfedele :
>> such gorgeousness - click on arrows you guys...- see more... some 
>> classics there
>> Jostein, what's the location of the guilty scene?
>> ann
>>> On 10/21/2016 10:42 AM, Malcolm Smith wrote:
>>> Jostein Øksne wrote:
>>> Here's the culprit:
>>> Excellent.
>>> Malcolm
> -- 
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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Jostein Øksne
My thoughts exactly!

Den 21. oktober 2016 18.14.49 CEST, skrev "P.J. Alling" 
>It's lovely, but probably wouldn't cause a great stir, if someone
>said look at this it's special.  Not to say it's not special, I'd be 
>happy if it was one of mine.
>On 10/21/2016 4:21 AM, Jostein Øksne wrote:
>> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography
>classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and
>attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of
>notification emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so
>> Here's the culprit:
>> Jostein

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Jostein Øksne
Thanks Ann,
The location is Steigen, a place in Northern Norway.
The reason I took the image was that my great grandfather once painted this 
scene, and gave the painting to my grandparents as a wedding gift in 1920.
It was only a week ago I realised it was a good example of a characteristic 
type of landscape my students are supposed to learn about.

Den 21. oktober 2016 17.25.39 CEST, skrev ann sanfedele :
>such gorgeousness - click on arrows you guys...- see more... some 
>classics there
>Jostein, what's the location of the guilty scene?
>On 10/21/2016 10:42 AM, Malcolm Smith wrote:
>> Jostein Øksne wrote:
>> Here's the culprit:
>> Excellent.
>> Malcolm

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Marco Alpert
What she said. 


> On Oct 21, 2016, at 8:25 AM, ann sanfedele  wrote:
> such gorgeousness - click on arrows you guys...- see more... some 
> classics there
> Jostein, what's the location of the guilty scene?
> ann
>> On 10/21/2016 10:42 AM, Malcolm Smith wrote:
>> Jostein Øksne wrote:
>> Here's the culprit:
>> Excellent.
>> Malcolm
> -- 
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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Bob W-PDML
Nice shot, cool to get the views.

> On 21 Oct 2016, at 09:22, Jostein Øksne  wrote:
> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography 
> classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and 
> attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of notification 
> emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so random.
> Here's the culprit:
> Jostein
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread David J Brooks


On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 4:21 AM, Jostein Øksne  wrote:
> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography 
> classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and 
> attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of notification 
> emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so random.
> Here's the culprit:
> Jostein
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread P.J. Alling
It's lovely, but probably wouldn't cause a great stir, if someone hadn't 
said look at this it's special.  Not to say it's not special, I'd be 
happy if it was one of mine.

On 10/21/2016 4:21 AM, Jostein Øksne wrote:

I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography classes. 
Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and attract a 
thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of notification emails in 
my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so random.

Here's the culprit:


I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve 
immortality through not dying.
-- Woody Allen

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread ann sanfedele
such gorgeousness - click on arrows you guys...- see more... some 
classics there

Jostein, what's the location of the guilty scene?


On 10/21/2016 10:42 AM, Malcolm Smith wrote:

Jostein Øksne wrote:

Here's the culprit:



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RE: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Malcolm Smith
Jostein Øksne wrote:

Here's the culprit:



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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Jack Davis
Nice lighting!


- Original Message -
From: "Jostein Øksne" 
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 7:23:09 AM
Subject: Re: Another flickr surprise

I note your irony.
Thanks, I guess.

Den 21. oktober 2016 10.27.40 CEST, skrev Larry Colen :
>Jostein Øksne wrote:
>> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography
>classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and
>attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of
>notification emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so
>> Here's the culprit:
>How odd, who would expect such a response to such a crappy photo?
>For values of crappy that make other photographers jealous that is.
>> Jostein

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Jostein Øksne
I note your irony.
Thanks, I guess.

Den 21. oktober 2016 10.27.40 CEST, skrev Larry Colen :
>Jostein Øksne wrote:
>> I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography
>classes. Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and
>attract a thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of
>notification emails in my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so
>> Here's the culprit:
>How odd, who would expect such a response to such a crappy photo?
>For values of crappy that make other photographers jealous that is.
>> Jostein

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Re: Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Larry Colen

Jostein Øksne wrote:

I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography classes. 
Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and attract a 
thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of notification emails in 
my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so random.

Here's the culprit:

How odd, who would expect such a response to such a crappy photo?
For values of crappy that make other photographers jealous that is.


Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)

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Another flickr surprise

2016-10-21 Thread Jostein Øksne
I recently put some landscape photos on Flickr to use in my geography classes. 
Then suddenly it got picked up by something called fluidr and attract a 
thousand views in an hour, with a subsequent piling of notification emails in 
my inbox. Pleasant of course, but it seems so random.

Here's the culprit:

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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the directions.

Re: PESO - the one that flickr picked

2016-03-19 Thread Mark C

Heavy image - nicely toned and rendered.

On 3/6/2016 1:42 PM, Jostein Øksne wrote:

As per another thread...
This photo had its moments of attention at Flickr a couple of days ago.
It's an oldie from my trip to Antarctica in 2009 that I have submitted to a 
photo contest. If the flickr reaction is anything to  go by, maybe it will do 
well... :-)


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Re: PESO - the one that flickr picked

2016-03-18 Thread Jack Davis


- Original Message -
From: "Mark C" 
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 10:12:02 AM
Subject: Re: PESO - the one that flickr picked

Heavy image - nicely toned and rendered.

On 3/6/2016 1:42 PM, Jostein Øksne wrote:
> As per another thread...
> This photo had its moments of attention at Flickr a couple of days ago.
> It's an oldie from my trip to Antarctica in 2009 that I have submitted to a 
> photo contest. If the flickr reaction is anything to  go by, maybe it will do 
> well... :-)
> Jostein

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RE: PESO - the one that flickr picked

2016-03-07 Thread John Coyle
Don't know about rusting hulk - I've seen Korean trawlers in the South Atlantic 
much rustier than
that, and they were obviously still afloat!
Nice shot though, Jostein.

John in Brisbane

-Original Message-
From: PDML [] On Behalf Of Alan C
Sent: Monday, 7 March 2016 05:10
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List 
Subject: Re: PESO - the one that flickr picked

A stark reminder of a terrible business. Just a rusting hulk in 2009 I presume? 
My maternal
grandfather (Swedish) was a marine engineer with the old Union Whaling Company 
which operated from
Durban. He spent about 7 months each year in Antarctica. There were many photos 
in his albums of
whale catchers like that, crows-nest, harpoon gun and all. Some were used as 
sub chasers along the
Natal coast by the SA navy during WW2. My father was on the T33 when it ran 
aground at the Umgeni
river mouth in 1942 during a gale. Whaling operations ceased in 1953.

Alan C

-Original Message- 
From: Jostein Øksne
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 8:42 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: PESO - the one that flickr picked

As per another thread...
This photo had its moments of attention at Flickr a couple of days ago.
It's an oldie from my trip to Antarctica in 2009 that I have submitted to a 
photo contest. If the flickr reaction is anything to  go by, maybe it will 
do well... :-)

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
follow the directions. 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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Re: PESO - the one that flickr picked

2016-03-06 Thread David Mann
Nice, makes me think of Shackleton.


> On Mar 7, 2016, at 7:42 AM, Jostein Øksne  wrote:
> As per another thread...
> This photo had its moments of attention at Flickr a couple of days ago.
> It's an oldie from my trip to Antarctica in 2009 that I have submitted to a 
> photo contest. If the flickr reaction is anything to  go by, maybe it will do 
> well... :-) 
> Jostein 
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: PESO - the one that flickr picked

2016-03-06 Thread Alan C
A stark reminder of a terrible business. Just a rusting hulk in 2009 I 
presume? My maternal grandfather (Swedish) was a marine engineer with the 
old Union Whaling Company which operated from Durban. He spent about 7 
months each year in Antarctica. There were many photos in his albums of 
whale catchers like that, crows-nest, harpoon gun and all. Some were used as 
sub chasers along the Natal coast by the SA navy during WW2. My father was 
on the T33 when it ran aground at the Umgeni river mouth in 1942 during a 
gale. Whaling operations ceased in 1953.

Alan C

-Original Message- 
From: Jostein Øksne

Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 8:42 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: PESO - the one that flickr picked

As per another thread...
This photo had its moments of attention at Flickr a couple of days ago.
It's an oldie from my trip to Antarctica in 2009 that I have submitted to a 
photo contest. If the flickr reaction is anything to  go by, maybe it will 
do well... :-)

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
follow the directions. 

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Re: Q about flickr

2016-03-06 Thread John

Possibly someone with a fairly large following found it,
clicked the "share" button and it snowballed from there.

On 3/6/2016 10:28 AM, Jostein Øksne wrote:

Hope there are some flickr savvy folks here who could help me explain

A week ago I posted 16 images at Flickr to share with local
photographers; we have just submitted a number of entries to an
Austrian photo competition together, and use flickr to excange info
on our selections.

Then, much to my surprise, comments and views on one particular image
poured in like I've never seen before. It got almost 4000 "favourite"
clicks before attention waned. That's one order of magnitude above
any other image I've ever posted there. None of the other pics in
that album received any attention at all.

I really don't know much about the dynamics of the flickr site, but
somehow that particular image must have been picked up and given some
extra exposure. Any ideas what could have caused such a sudden blip
of attention?

Will post the image later.


Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
Religion - Answers we must never question.

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Re: PESO - the one that flickr picked

2016-03-06 Thread Darren Addy
Antarctica! Wow!
Cool shot and worthy of the accolades. Low color images like that
always beckon me to see what they look like in monochrome (AKA Silver
Efex Pro 2).

On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Jostein Øksne  wrote:
> As per another thread...
> This photo had its moments of attention at Flickr a couple of days ago.
> It's an oldie from my trip to Antarctica in 2009 that I have submitted to a 
> photo contest. If the flickr reaction is anything to  go by, maybe it will do 
> well... :-)
> Jostein
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

“The Earth is Art, The Photographer is only a Witness ”
― Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Earth from Above

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PESO - the one that flickr picked

2016-03-06 Thread Jostein Øksne
As per another thread...
This photo had its moments of attention at Flickr a couple of days ago.
It's an oldie from my trip to Antarctica in 2009 that I have submitted to a 
photo contest. If the flickr reaction is anything to  go by, maybe it will do 
well... :-)

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: Q about flickr

2016-03-06 Thread Darren Addy
It is a secret how it works, so people don't game the system, but my
sense is that Flickr has a special stream set up for Explore
moderators to view. The photos included in that stream are those that
get a lot of favorites/to views ratio. More immediate reactions and
time of day (or day of week) can also enter into it. But I think a
human moderator picks from that stream (and probably has a certain
number of votes per day that each moderator can use). There may even
be a Super Moderator that looks at the lower moderator's choices and
picks from them. (These are all just guesses). But once you are in
Explore you are in a stream that a LOT of people look at. You'll find
a lot of people will favorite, but few will comment (based upon my
experience). That made me realize that a photo that people take the
time/effort to COMMENT on is probably better than one that people just

But it is still an honor and a nice way to indicate which photos might
be saleable (resonate with the public). Would you mind sharing the
link to your Explored image?

On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 12:06 PM, Jostein Øksne  wrote:
> Thanks Darren!
> You're right. There was something about explore. Is that some kind of curated 
> photostream? When I Google it, I only find dos/don'ts for how to get photos 
> in there, and nothing on how it is selected or presented to users...
> Sorry about being totally noob here... :-(
> Jostein
> Den 6. mars 2016 18.09.30 CET, skrev Darren Addy :
>>Your image was probably chosen by Flickr Explore. Congrats!
>> will show you all of the day's Explore shots.
>>You can also enter your username here to see what images are in
>>You should probably also see an Explore Invite for you to accept in
>>the photos comments.
>>On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 10:19 AM, ann sanfedele 
>>> Funny you should ask...
>>> Something like that happened recently to me on smugmug...  the amount
>>> hits on my page on feb 16 zoomed to 5,000
>>> yet, the photo I posted that day only had the usual approximatel 200
>>to 300
>>> that I normally get when PEso'ing
>>> Interesting that the anomally happens on other sites as well. very
>>> mysterious
>>> ann
>>> On 3/6/2016 10:28 AM, Jostein Øksne wrote:
>>>> Hope there are some flickr savvy folks here who could help me
>>>> something...
>>>> A week ago I posted 16 images at Flickr to share with local
>>>> we have just submitted a number of entries to an Austrian photo
>>>> together, and use flickr to excange info on our selections.
>>>> Then, much to my surprise, comments and views on one particular
>>>> poured in like I've never seen before. It got almost 4000
>>"favourite" clicks
>>>> before attention waned. That's one order of magnitude above any
>>other image
>>>> I've ever posted there. None of the other pics in that album
>>received any
>>>> attention at all.
>>>> I really don't know much about the dynamics of the flickr site, but
>>>> somehow that particular image must have been picked up and given
>>some extra
>>>> exposure. Any ideas what could have caused such a sudden blip of
>>>> Will post the image later.
>>>> Jostein
>>> --
>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above
>>> follow the directions.
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

“The Earth is Art, The Photographer is only a Witness ”
― Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Earth from Above

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Re: Q about flickr

2016-03-06 Thread Jostein Øksne
Thanks Darren! 
You're right. There was something about explore. Is that some kind of curated 
photostream? When I Google it, I only find dos/don'ts for how to get photos in 
there, and nothing on how it is selected or presented to users...
Sorry about being totally noob here... :-( 


Den 6. mars 2016 18.09.30 CET, skrev Darren Addy :
>Your image was probably chosen by Flickr Explore. Congrats!
> will show you all of the day's Explore shots.
>You can also enter your username here to see what images are in
>You should probably also see an Explore Invite for you to accept in
>the photos comments.
>On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 10:19 AM, ann sanfedele 
>> Funny you should ask...
>> Something like that happened recently to me on smugmug...  the amount
>> hits on my page on feb 16 zoomed to 5,000
>> yet, the photo I posted that day only had the usual approximatel 200
>to 300
>> that I normally get when PEso'ing
>> Interesting that the anomally happens on other sites as well. very
>> mysterious
>> ann
>> On 3/6/2016 10:28 AM, Jostein Øksne wrote:
>>> Hope there are some flickr savvy folks here who could help me
>>> something...
>>> A week ago I posted 16 images at Flickr to share with local
>>> we have just submitted a number of entries to an Austrian photo
>>> together, and use flickr to excange info on our selections.
>>> Then, much to my surprise, comments and views on one particular
>>> poured in like I've never seen before. It got almost 4000
>"favourite" clicks
>>> before attention waned. That's one order of magnitude above any
>other image
>>> I've ever posted there. None of the other pics in that album
>received any
>>> attention at all.
>>> I really don't know much about the dynamics of the flickr site, but
>>> somehow that particular image must have been picked up and given
>some extra
>>> exposure. Any ideas what could have caused such a sudden blip of
>>> Will post the image later.
>>> Jostein
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above
>> follow the directions.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: Q about flickr

2016-03-06 Thread Darren Addy
Your image was probably chosen by Flickr Explore. Congrats! will show you all of the day's Explore shots.
You can also enter your username here to see what images are in

You should probably also see an Explore Invite for you to accept in
the photos comments.

On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 10:19 AM, ann sanfedele  wrote:
> Funny you should ask...
> Something like that happened recently to me on smugmug...  the amount of
> hits on my page on feb 16 zoomed to 5,000
> yet, the photo I posted that day only had the usual approximatel 200 to 300
> that I normally get when PEso'ing
> Interesting that the anomally happens on other sites as well. very
> mysterious
> ann
> On 3/6/2016 10:28 AM, Jostein Øksne wrote:
>> Hope there are some flickr savvy folks here who could help me explain
>> something...
>> A week ago I posted 16 images at Flickr to share with local photographers;
>> we have just submitted a number of entries to an Austrian photo competition
>> together, and use flickr to excange info on our selections.
>> Then, much to my surprise, comments and views on one particular image
>> poured in like I've never seen before. It got almost 4000 "favourite" clicks
>> before attention waned. That's one order of magnitude above any other image
>> I've ever posted there. None of the other pics in that album received any
>> attention at all.
>> I really don't know much about the dynamics of the flickr site, but
>> somehow that particular image must have been picked up and given some extra
>> exposure. Any ideas what could have caused such a sudden blip of attention?
>> Will post the image later.
>> Jostein
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
> follow the directions.

“The Earth is Art, The Photographer is only a Witness ”
― Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Earth from Above

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Re: Q about flickr

2016-03-06 Thread ann sanfedele

Funny you should ask...
Something like that happened recently to me on smugmug...  the amount of 
hits on my page on feb 16 zoomed to 5,000
yet, the photo I posted that day only had the usual approximatel 200 to 
300 that I normally get when PEso'ing

Interesting that the anomally happens on other sites as well. very 


On 3/6/2016 10:28 AM, Jostein Øksne wrote:

Hope there are some flickr savvy folks here who could help me explain 

A week ago I posted 16 images at Flickr to share with local photographers; we 
have just submitted a number of entries to an Austrian photo competition 
together, and use flickr to excange info on our selections.

Then, much to my surprise, comments and views on one particular image poured in like I've 
never seen before. It got almost 4000 "favourite" clicks before attention 
waned. That's one order of magnitude above any other image I've ever posted there. None 
of the other pics in that album received any attention at all.

I really don't know much about the dynamics of the flickr site, but somehow 
that particular image must have been picked up and given some extra exposure. 
Any ideas what could have caused such a sudden blip of attention?

Will post the image later.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

Q about flickr

2016-03-06 Thread Jostein Øksne
Hope there are some flickr savvy folks here who could help me explain 

A week ago I posted 16 images at Flickr to share with local photographers; we 
have just submitted a number of entries to an Austrian photo competition 
together, and use flickr to excange info on our selections.

Then, much to my surprise, comments and views on one particular image poured in 
like I've never seen before. It got almost 4000 "favourite" clicks before 
attention waned. That's one order of magnitude above any other image I've ever 
posted there. None of the other pics in that album received any attention at 

I really don't know much about the dynamics of the flickr site, but somehow 
that particular image must have been picked up and given some extra exposure. 
Any ideas what could have caused such a sudden blip of attention? 

Will post the image later.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: Need help with Flickr

2015-09-19 Thread Eric Weir

> On Sep 19, 2015, at 4:24 AM, Eric Weir  wrote:
> I have my response from Flickr. (Or maybe it was Yahoo.) ATT is my ISP. ATT 
> uses Yahoo Mail. They referred me to ATT. ATT is going to help me recover my 
> Flickr accounts? I don’t think so.
> I’ve responded calling attention to the inappropriateness of their response. 
> I’m not optimistic that I’m going to get the help I asked for, which they 
> clearly could provide. 
> I think my solution is going to be to create new Flickr accounts. If Flickr 
> is eventually able help me recover the old accounts, I will delete them.

Well, I’ve create the new account and successfully publish photos to it from 
Lightroom. In doing so I created a new Yahoo account with a new Yahoo user ID, 
thus associating the Flickr account with a distinct Yahoo user ID. I suspect 
that in creating the accounts I’m having difficulty recovering I didn’t do 
that, that I associated them with my ATT user ID. 

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

“Man has been a murderer forever.”

- Peter Matthiessen.

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Re: Need help with Flickr

2015-09-19 Thread Eric Weir

> On Sep 18, 2015, at 7:14 AM, Eric Weir  wrote:
> Recovering that information from Flickr/Yahoo is proving to be difficult. 
> Apparently the only way to do it is to submit an email request with what 
> information you have to Flickr customer servicer, which I have done. I may 
> have to wait a couple days for a response.

I have my response from Flickr. (Or maybe it was Yahoo.) ATT is my ISP. ATT 
uses Yahoo Mail. They referred me to ATT. ATT is going to help me recover my 
Flickr accounts? I don’t think so.

I’ve responded calling attention to the inappropriateness of their response. 
I’m not optimistic that I’m going to get the help I asked for, which they 
clearly could provide. 

I think my solution is going to be to create new Flickr accounts. If Flickr is 
eventually able help me recover the old accounts, I will delete them.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

“...we are a form of invitation to others and to otherness..."

- David Whyte

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Re: Need help with Flickr

2015-09-18 Thread Eric Weir

> On Sep 17, 2015, at 7:40 PM, Darren Addy  wrote:
> When you say " I sign out of my usual account, sign into the other
> account, and try uploading from it. The photos go to my usual
> account.” can you explain? Do you have two different Flickr accounts?
> If so, Flickr uses a Yahoo log-in, so I'm guessing you have two
> separate Yahoo log-ins, as well. They would presumably have different
> usernames. If it is automatically logging you into the wrong account,
> I'm guessing you would just need to click "Logout" on Flickr and
> log-in with the other accounts credentials.

Thanks, Darren. This was helpful. Actually, I have four Flickr accounts. But I 
have only one Yahoo account and log-in. I am able to log onto two of the Flickr 
accounts. Two I am not. The reason, which I was reminded of by your comment, is 
that I don’t have the correct username and password for these accounts. 

Recovering that information from Flickr/Yahoo is proving to be difficult. 
Apparently the only way to do it is to submit an email request with what 
information you have to Flickr customer servicer, which I have done. I may have 
to wait a couple days for a response.

Thanks again,
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

"The invincible shield of caring Is a weapon 
sent from the sky against being dead." 

- Tao Te Ching 67

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Re: Need help with Flickr

2015-09-18 Thread Eric Weir

> On Sep 17, 2015, at 5:40 PM, P.J. Alling  wrote:
> Sorry Eric, your problem is obvious, you're using Flickr.

Some things are simple on Fiickr, some are not. 

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

"What does it mean...that the world is so beautiful?" 

- Mary Oliver 

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