Re: Pentax K1 Mark III

2024-11-22 Thread Henk Terhell

My K-1 is close to 8 years old and still in mint condition.
Therefore I'll keep using it, though I would not mind having less to 
carry in the woods.
The presence of GPS in the K-1 (II) is an important benefit for 
reporting on
But there is one feature lacking in all Pentax DSLR's, that is focus 
bracketing for (semi) macro.

Canon, Nikon FF, Fuji and latest Sony camera's all have this built in.
Adjusting the focus ring by hand for say 15 shots on a camera at ground 
level in the woods, whilst looking at a dark LCD screen, is a very 
delicate skill and an unpleasant form of gymnastics.

My K-70 is not all suitable for this work.

Two days ago K-1 II user Edward Martins posted a video on YouTube in 
which he discusses the rumours about K-1 mark III and gives a possible 
explanation of the current Ricoh strategy for the Pentax brand:

My position now is to wait till I have an adequate "toys fund" for 
switching to another brand.


Op 2024-11-21 om 03:10 schreef John Sessoms:
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Re: Pentax K1 Mark III

2024-11-20 Thread John Sessoms

On 11/20/2024 3:39 PM, Henk Terhell wrote:
Sorry John, I thought you made reference to this recent fake YouTube 
video about a  K-1 mark III:


I hadn't seen that one. I spotted a lot of problems in it, mostly of the 
"IF rumors are true" variety.

For one - Why would the Astrotracer feature & built in GPS be rumor in a 
"K-1 Mark III", when they were already features of the original K-1?

61MP sounds like a pleasant dream, like someone is imagining a Sony 
Exmor R sensor in a Pentax DSLR

I hadn't seen anything about a possible "K-1 Mark III" until I stumbled 
across the video quoting a Ricoh sales manager saying it won't happen.

But I'll continue saving money, adding to my "toys fund" a little bit 
every month, and *IF* perchance, I ever happen to see a 61MP "K-1 Mark 
III" actually advertised for sale on B&H, I will definitely dip into 
those savings. 😏

Op 2024-11-20 om 19:31 schreef John Sessoms:

On 11/20/2024 8:12 AM, Henk Terhell wrote:
An example of fake news. The market for a new $4K FF DSLR will be 
very small.
In my opinion it is more likely that Pentax/Ricoh is slowly getting 
rid of stock of lenses, to be followed by the DSLR bodies.


I don't see how the "K1 Mark III" *NOT* being in the current roadmap 
could be considered fake news?

If there IS one someday, I might have the money & desire to purchase 
one ...

If there IS NOT, I will carry on using the Pentax cameras I already have.

Op 2024-11-19 om 21:24 schreef John Sessoms:

This caught my eye:

I dunno. If it ever comes out, I might be able to find the money to 
buy one. If it doesn't, I probably won't.


Vivere in aeternum aut mori conatur

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Re: Pentax K1 Mark III

2024-11-20 Thread Henk Terhell
Sorry John, I thought you made reference to this recent fake YouTube 
video about a  K-1 mark III:


Op 2024-11-20 om 19:31 schreef John Sessoms:

On 11/20/2024 8:12 AM, Henk Terhell wrote:
An example of fake news. The market for a new $4K FF DSLR will be 
very small.
In my opinion it is more likely that Pentax/Ricoh is slowly getting 
rid of stock of lenses, to be followed by the DSLR bodies.


I don't see how the "K1 Mark III" *NOT* being in the current roadmap 
could be considered fake news?

If there IS one someday, I might have the money & desire to purchase 
one ...

If there IS NOT, I will carry on using the Pentax cameras I already have.

Op 2024-11-19 om 21:24 schreef John Sessoms:

This caught my eye:

I dunno. If it ever comes out, I might be able to find the money to 
buy one. If it doesn't, I probably won't.


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Re: Pentax K1 Mark III

2024-11-20 Thread John Sessoms

On 11/20/2024 8:12 AM, Henk Terhell wrote:
An example of fake news. The market for a new $4K FF DSLR will be very 
In my opinion it is more likely that Pentax/Ricoh is slowly getting rid 
of stock of lenses, to be followed by the DSLR bodies.


I don't see how the "K1 Mark III" *NOT* being in the current roadmap 
could be considered fake news?

If there IS one someday, I might have the money & desire to purchase one ...

If there IS NOT, I will carry on using the Pentax cameras I already have.

Op 2024-11-19 om 21:24 schreef John Sessoms:

This caught my eye:

I dunno. If it ever comes out, I might be able to find the money to 
buy one. If it doesn't, I probably won't.


Vivere in aeternum aut mori conatur

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Re: Pentax K1 Mark III

2024-11-20 Thread Henk Terhell
An example of fake news. The market for a new $4K FF DSLR will be very 
In my opinion it is more likely that Pentax/Ricoh is slowly getting rid 
of stock of lenses, to be followed by the DSLR bodies.


Op 2024-11-19 om 21:24 schreef John Sessoms:

This caught my eye:

I dunno. If it ever comes out, I might be able to find the money to 
buy one. If it doesn't, I probably won't.

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