America to build super weapons
US-based missiles to cover world

Julian Borger in Washington
Tuesday July 1, 2003
The Guardian

The Pentagon is planning a new generation of weapons, including huge hypersonic drones 
and bombs dropped from space, that will
allow the US to strike its enemies at lightning speed from its own territory.

Over the next 25 years, the new technology would free the US from dependence on 
forward bases and the cooperation of regional
allies, part of the drive towards self-sufficiency spurred by the difficulties of 
gaining international cooperation for the
invasion of Iraq.

The new weapons are being developed under a programme codenamed Falcon (Force 
Application and Launch from the Continental US).

A US defence website earlier this month invited bids from contractors to develop the 
technology and the current edition of Jane's
Defence Weekly reports that the first flight tests are scheduled to take place within 
three years.

According to the website run by the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) 
the programme is aimed at fulfilling "the
government's vision of an ultimate prompt global reach capability (circa 2025 and 

The Falcon technology would "free the US military from reliance on forward basing to 
enable it to react promptly and decisively to
destabilising or threatening actions by hostile countries and terrorist 
organisations", according to the Darpa invitation for

The ultimate goal would be a "reusable hypersonic cruise vehicle (HCV) ... capable of 
taking off from a conventional military
runway and striking targets 9,000 nautical miles distant in less than two hours".

The unmanned HCV would carry a payload of up to 12,000 lbs and could ultimately fly at 
speeds of up to 10 times the speed of
sound, according to Daniel Goure, a military analyst at the Lexington Institute in 

Propelling a warhead of that size at those speeds poses serious technological 
challenges and Darpa estimates it will take more
than 20 years to develop.

Over the next seven years, meanwhile, the US air force and Darpa will develop a 
cheaper "global reach" weapons system relying on
expendable rocket boosters, known as small launch vehicles (SLV) that would take a 
warhead into space and drop it over its target.

In US defence jargon, the warhead is known as a Common Aero Vehicle (Cav), an 
unpowered bomb which would be guided on to its
target as it plummeted to earth at high and accelerating velocity.

The Cav could carry 1,000 lbs of explosives but at those speeds explosives may not be 
necessary. A simple titanium rod would be
able to penetrate 70 feet of solid rock and the shock wave would have enormous 
destructive force. It could be used against deeply
buried bunkers, the sort of target the air force is looking for new ways to attack.

Jane's Defence Weekly reported that the first Cav flight demonstration is 
provisionally scheduled by mid-2006, and the first SLV
flight exercise would take place the next year. A test of the two systems combined 
would be carried out by late 2007.

A prototype demonstrating HCV technology would be tested in 2009.

SLV rockets will also give the air force a cheap and flexible means to launch military 
satellites at short notice, within weeks,
days or even hours of a crisis developing.

The SLV-Cav combination, according to the Darpa document, "will provide a near-term 
(approximately 2010) operational capability
for prompt global strike from Consus (the continental US) while also enabling future 
development of a reusable HCV for the
far-term (approximately 2025)". The range of this weapon is unclear.

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