> sartesian wrote:
> I am not so foolish to think that those arguing for "stabilization" under US
> occupation will, having read this report, change their view, but I think it would be
> nice for them to explain the dismal reality in light of their previous arguments.
I've just taken to igno
A short time ago, some participants were arguing
that immediate US withdrawal from Iraq would "destabilize" the country and
damage the inhabitants.
The GAO has issued a report, available at:http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d04902r.pdf that shows just
how beneficial the occupation has been, (an
Northern Ireland and Scotland only declared today partly for religious
reasons. Excluding the former where the parties are so different, the
aggregate vote for the rest of the UK broadly were in % with change
from 4 years ago
27 - 9 Conservatives
23 -5.4 Labour
16 + 9 UK Independence Party
German EU results compared to 1999
% total vote
CDU down from 48.7 to 44.5
SPD down from 30.7 to 21.5
Green upfrom 6.4 to 11.9
PDS upfrom 5.8 to 6.1
FDP upfrom 3.0 to 6.1
So PDS slightly consolidates its position while SPD has a further
severe fall, but presumably
NY Times, May 7, 2004
Bush Proposes a Plan to Aid Opponents of Castro in Cuba
WASHINGTON, May 6 - President Bush announced a plan on Thursday to use
military aircraft to help American broadcasters reach Cuba and to
increase sharply the money for Cuban critics of the governmen
;t give the actual results. Here they are from the Globe and Mail which headlined its article something like "NDP squeeze by in Saskatchewan" If Bush had anything like this support ...Paul PhillipsEconomics,University of Manitoba(BA, MA, University of Saskatchewan!)
% of
I didn't give the actual results. Here they are from the Globe and Mail
which headlined its article something like "NDP squeeze by in Saskatchewan"
If Bush had anything like this support ...
Paul Phillips
University of Manitoba
(BA, MA, University
--- Carrol Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Devine, James" wrote:
> >
> >
> > the real action has to involve the development of
> a mass movement of the left, something that will
> never come from the DP. Only when there's a
> working-class movement outside of the electoral
> arena will the poli
Jim Devine wrote:
the real action has to involve the development of a mass movement of the
left, something that will never come from the DP. Only when there's a
working-class movement outside of the electoral arena will the political
balance shift back in the human direction.
... which leads to th
the real action has to involve the development of a mass movement of the
left, something that will never come from the DP. Only when there's a
working-class movement outside of the electoral arena will the political
balance shift back in the human direction.
> Jim
We had this whole dispute alread
"Devine, James" wrote:
> the real action has to involve the development of a mass movement of the left,
> something that will never come from the DP. Only when there's a working-class
> movement outside of the electoral arena will the political balance shift back in the
> human direction.
> At 2:02 AM -0500 10/8/03, Lou Paulsen wrote:
> >Everyone knew it was going to be Schwarzenegger or Davis or maybe
> >Bustamante. It's the old story: a vote for the 'third party' is a
> >'wasted vote' unless you know ahead of time who is going to win, in
> >which case you have the luxury of casti
> Best just to be a revolutionary and try to develop
> soldarity where you can, at work, in the streets and
> everywhere you go. Sure, vote for whomever you like,
> but nobody is going anywhere until the working class
> organizes to take power for itself.
Thanks for your advice, but I am not inte
--- Jurriaan Bendien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A third party on the left in an electoral system
> like the United
> > States' can never rise to power without a prior
> collapse of the
> > political party controlled by the ruling class
> that had captured
> > working-class votes (the Democratic
> A third party on the left in an electoral system like the United
> States' can never rise to power without a prior collapse of the
> political party controlled by the ruling class that had captured
> working-class votes (the Democratic Party, in the case of the United
> States).
We'll see about
At 2:02 AM -0500 10/8/03, Lou Paulsen wrote:
Everyone knew it was going to be Schwarzenegger or Davis or maybe
Bustamante. It's the old story: a vote for the 'third party' is a
'wasted vote' unless you know ahead of time who is going to win, in
which case you have the luxury of casting a 'protest
I wrote:
> I don't think even the leaders of AKP know what
> exactly they are. But they are definitely not mildly
> left. They are pro-market and committed to the ongoing
> implementation of the IMF programme.
One speculation I used to hear, especially before 911, was that
AKP came to existence w
Jim wrote:
> Is the AKP a lot like Christian Democracy in Europe
> and Latin America?
Don't know much about Christian Democracy in Europe and Latin
America, so I leave it to those with the appropriate knowledge to
answer this.
> that could make it either mildly left or hard right-wing
> or somew
Title: results of the Turkish elections
Is the AKP a lot like Christian Democracy in Europe and Latin America? that could make it either mildly left or hard right-wing or somewhere in-between.
This was on the front page of the Washington Post this morning.
-Original Message-
From: Sabri Oncu [mailto:soncu@;pacbell.net]
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 5:43 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:31815] Preliminary results of the Turkish elections
I am sure all members of PEN-L are very
I am sure all members of PEN-L are very much interested in
knowing the preliminary election results in Turkey.
But what the heck!
With 75% of the votes counted, the Islamist AKP (Justice and
Development Party) is leading with 35%. The second and the only
other party that will make it to the
Title: RE: [PEN-L:31036] statistics - two results
these articles show the nature of scientific empirical work, including statistical studies. There is no _final_ result, since arguments, especially political ones, can't be settled by statistics alone. Instead, there is a debate. Instea
that of an electric oven or a hair-dryer.
He said results from a major study in Britain of cancers in children living
near power lines had shown that leukaemia caused two extra deaths a year -
over and above 500 expected deaths - in children aged zero to 16.
"Prorated for Ireland, which has abou
I suspect that the US government demanded the head of the German justice
minister on a plate. Bush refused to take a telephone call from Schroeder,
and extraordinarily, on the very day of voting, the justice minister was
forced to indicate that she would probably be resigning, for making a
Schroeder, whose outspoken defiance against war with Iraq was
credited with giving him a late-push in the tight campaign, said
he won't back down. He has insisted he would not commit troops
for a war even if the United Nations ( news - web sites) backs
military action.
(do they usually send tro
governing coalition, before
cheering supporters at Social Democratic Party headquarters.
"We have hard times in front of us and we're going to make it
together," Schroeder shouted above the din.
Official results showed the Social Democrats and Greens combined
won 47.1 percent of t
I agree entirely. That's what makes the fetishism so enduring. I suspect
that part of the fetishism is also its uncanny ability, when cornered, to
disguise itself as a *mere phantasm*.
Jim Devine wrote,
>While capitalist domination in social relations requires the fetishism of
>commodities th
Tom interprets Marx as saying:
> What capitalist domination in social relations requires is that people come
> to regard ownership as a relationship between a person and a thing.
While capitalist domination in social relations requires the fetishism of
commodities that obscures class relations
Tom Walker wrote:
> Jim Devine wrote,
> >Tom translates Marx:
> I merely transcribed that which Ben Fowkes translated.
Herein lies a dissertation for some bibliographer of the 23rd century.
Ben Fowkes is listed as the translator of the CW 34 text, which is what
I queried. And the tr
Jim Devine wrote,
>Tom translates Marx:
I merely transcribed that which Ben Fowkes translated.
>I interpret this as saying that capitalist power -- capitalist domination
>in social relations -- requires the ownership of actual physical means of
>production, so that capitalism really takes hol
Tom translates Marx:
>"This is why we find in the capitalist process of production this
>*indissoluble fusion* of use-values in which capital subsists in the form of
>the *means of production* and *objects* defined as capital, when what we are
>really faced with is a definite social relationship o
The version in the appendix to capital [p. 983] translates it differently
and as two sentences:
"This is why we find in the capitalist process of production this
*indissoluble fusion* of use-values in which capital subsists in the form of
the *means of production* and *objects* defined as capital
I'm reading this in the CW, and I've come to a sentence which simply
will not construe. [Insert, after typing it out I find it a bit clearer,
but I'd still like to see a gloss.]
I'm wondering if anyone can illuminate by reference to the Vintage text
or the original German. It appears on CW 34, p.
Carrol Cox wrote:
> There is another source, I find.
> This chapter is contained in Volume 34 of Marx/Engels Collected Works.
> Translated by Ben Fowkes.
I've started reading the chapter, and while I have not read far enough
to make any concrete response, I do find it every bit as fasc
Tom Walker wrote:
> The chapter at the end of the Verso/Vintage edition is based on a manuscript
> "chapter 6" that was left out of the original published editions of capital.
> So, yes, you would have to have that edition to read that chapter.
There is another source, I find.
This chapt
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 6:14 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:5069] Re: Canadian Election Results..
> Without implying any crass parliamentarism or tailism behind any political
> party, what is good and what is problematic about these results?
> (I mean in terms of things like
Without implying any crass parliamentarism or tailism behind any political
party, what is good and what is problematic about these results?
(I mean in terms of things like shifting the terrain of struggle onto more
progressive issues, making it easier for the majority of working people to
Here are the results of the Canadian Federal election yesterday:
Liberals 173
Alliance 66
Bloc Quebecois 37
Conservatives 12
New Democratic Party 13.
The Liberals gained 18 seats, the Alliance 8. The Bloc have 7 fewer seats.
The Conservatives have almost half as many as before, and the
I think Charles is a bit fuzzy about whom the Mafia candidate in Serbia was. We will
see about the new guys. But we _know_ about Slobo, a thug and murderer. --jks
In a message dated Fri, 6 Oct 2000 3:10:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Charles Brown"
<< In support of
In support of Lou's argument, and again analogizing to Nicaragua, where U.S.
imperialist mass murder and terror was also visited on the population, the Yugoslavian
people's vote was , by this U.S. mass terror, under extreme duress. Probably for
many Yugoslavs the main issue was not to get bom
Bill Lear writes:
>[the] Manichean view that only "anti-capitalist elements ... within
>capitalism ... bring about social benefits" simply does not square
>with the facts. I happen to think slavery is a bad idea, but slavery
>was not destroyed in this society by "anti-capitalist elements".
The c
I don't recall anyone posting the results of the Canadian Federal Election
on June 2, so here they are. They show gains both for the right and the
left, and a further regionalization of the country. The right-wing Reform party
now the official opposition has no representation east of Manitob
I'm going to defer to Gina Neff to answer these missives from the
microcrediteers. I'll just confine myself to saying - don't these guys ever
offer any evidence for their claims? They offer one assertion after
another, but no proof that microcredit has any more than a marginally
positive effect.
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jun 10 15:05:13 1997
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 09:53:04 -0700
From: "Ms. Aikya Param" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: 'Joel Rubinstein' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Unofficial results suggest a record low participation in voting for
the U.S. presidential and congressional elections on Tuesday,
especially among the working class and national minorities. Even
commentators in the monopoly-media were dismayed at the continuing
> NAFTA & Inter-American Trade Monitor
> Produced by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade
> Policy
> May 17, 1996
> Volume 3, Number 10
> __
MOSCOW -- A grim new barometer of freedom has come into
existence in the Russian capital this winter -- a daily
count of homeless drunks found dead from the cold.
At least 320 Muscovites have frozen to death on
the capital's mean streets sinc
Probably the 40 percent condition would be met since the participation
rate was well over ninety percent, 93 I believe. So over 40 percent
did vote NO. By the way there is an investigation into voting irregularities
in Montreal in which tens of thousands of NO votes were rejected by
PQ monitors f
In PEN-L 1187 Elaine Barnard wrote:
>The results of the Quebec referendum with over 90% voting
>was 50.6% no and 49.4% yes. Hard to imagine a tighter vote.
However there's always a way out; In 1979 if my memory serves
me right the Scots voted for devolution by a majority; it w
> > The results of the Quebec referendum with over 90% voting
> > was 50.6% no and 49.4% yes. Hard to imagine a tighter
> > vote.
> Except maybe the French vote to join the EC, at 50.1 / 49.9 . :|
> Vive le plebiscitarianisme,
> Tavis
The Fr
On Tue, 31 Oct 1995, Elaine Bernard wrote:
> The results of the Quebec referendum with over 90% voting
> was 50.6% no and 49.4% yes. Hard to imagine a tighter
> vote.
Except maybe the French vote to join the EC, at 50.1 / 49.9 . :|
Vive le plebiscitarianisme,
Elaine Bernard wrote:
> The results of the Quebec referendum with over 90% voting
> was 50.6% no and 49.4% yes. Hard to imagine a tighter
> vote.
As they say Downeast:
"Smells a little fishy."
The results of the Quebec referendum with over 90% voting
was 50.6% no and 49.4% yes. Hard to imagine a tighter
Elaine Bernard
A friend in Kingston ON quotes the Toronto Star that the
Conservatives' successful campaign was directed by a Mike
Murphy, a protege of Jesse Helms. It seems Murphy also
managed Ollie North's unsuccessful run at the US Senate.
My friend predicts the new Ontario government will adopt
a hard policy
Preliminary election results are in from Ontario, Canada's most populous
province. It appears that the Tories, led by a US-inspired right winger
named Harris, will form a majority government with 75 seats.
This marks the end of the NDP government, led by Bob Rae, whose reign was
>Bill, I see you are from NSW -- and in that the North
>American papers don't view Australia worthy of reporting
>on -- what happened in the recent NSW state elections?
>Elaine Bernard
>Harvard Trade Union Program
For those who don't know, New South Wales is the largest sta
Definite results:
52.3% NO, 47.7% YES.
Turnout 88.8% (!), while it was 79% in 1972,
and usually is 80 - 84% in Storting (= parliament) elections.
| Trond Andresen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |
| Department of Engineering Cybernetics |
| The
Jim -- was that small government before or after capitalism had withered
From: pen-l
Subject: Re: Election results
Date: Saturday, November 12, 1994 3:15PM
At least according to Hal Draper's exhaustive survey of Marx's
political ideas (kARL MARX'S THEOR
On Sat, 12 Nov 1994, Jim Devine wrote:
> At least according to Hal Draper's exhaustive survey of Marx's
> political ideas (kARL MARX'S THEORY OF REVOLUTION, Monthly
> Review Press), old Karlos wanted a small govt with the
> governmental delegates subordinate to civil society. Sounds
> a bit lik
At least according to Hal Draper's exhaustive survey of Marx's
political ideas (kARL MARX'S THEORY OF REVOLUTION, Monthly
Review Press), old Karlos wanted a small govt with the
governmental delegates subordinate to civil society. Sounds
a bit like what USA voters want, though I doubt that they
I have been following the discussion on US election with great interest. I must
say, I really don't understand the result well, but I'm an outsider. Let me say
a few words in the form of a question. I think the American majority is
conservative. Conservative in the sense the term is defined by the
One problem with figuring out what the election results mean is that it
is difficult to separate shadow from reality. By this I mean a number of
phenomena that seem to have powerful effects on how people react to
Just a couple examples:
1. if you were to go out into the
Jim Devine seemed to imply that Doug McCready had left the list. He has not.
At the time, Doug's posts were written in such a way that he was a minority of
one on the list
Some did argue that he should leave the list. He did not. Instead, he would
occassionallly post, b
but he did not push his
On Sat, 12 Nov 1994 03:04:40 -0800 DJ said:
>Peter Dornan says that the Christian Right is solid on a number of issues
>while the movements are disparate on many issues. Having read much of the
>literature put out by the Christian Right - and I am not quite sure who
>is represented here except mos
Peter Dornan says that the Christian Right is solid on a number of issues
while the movements are disparate on many issues. Having read much of the
literature put out by the Christian Right - and I am not quite sure who
is represented here except most people suggest it is Jerry Falwell and
The vote may not represent a landslide, but all committee chairmanships will go
to republicans and some to extreme right republicans. This is the calamity.
Louis Lefeber
I'd like to second Steve Hecker's call for more effective organizing. I don't
have the numbers handy, but, from what I've seen, the percentage of the
population that identifies with the hard, Christian right is about the same as
the percentage that generally supports the "movements"--labor, women
Trends in Oregon partially mirror what happened nationally, but there are
some hopeful differences. While both houses of our Legislature did go
Republican for the first time in 40 years, voters strongly rejected a hard
right Republican candidate for governor. Results of the vast menu of
Whoa, Doug. The results DO mark a further shift right -- in the
direction oflaw and order, anti-immigrANt sentiment, etc,. -- from the
already reactionary positions being taken by the Dems.
Sid Shniad
> Comrades, do not exaggerate your despair. The share of the Congressional
> pop
Comrades, do not exaggerate your despair. The share of the Congressional
popular vote was 52% Rep, 48% Dem. This hardly qualifies as the landslide
of reaction it's been portrayed as - especially given depressed turnout
on the left and energized turnout on the right.
Doug Henwood [[EMAIL PRO
Preliminary results of Jim O'Connor's request for books to use
in Political Economy for Sociologists class
Percentage of pen-l respondents recommending books they have
authored themselves -- 50%
Percentage of respondents who think I'm too young to retire -- 16%
Percentage o
Preliminary results of Jim O'Connor's request for books to use
in Political Economy for Sociologists class
Percentage of pen-l respondents recommending books they have
authored themselves -- 50%
Percentage of respondents who think I'm too young to retire -- 16%
Percentage o
72 matches
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