True to a coordinated script, Russia has now confirmed with Bush it
will back the essential deal with Germany. (see CNN clip below)

On course for the "international community" to "forgive" 90 billion
dollars altogether.

What they cannot bear to forgive is the last 30 billion. Because that
would challenge the whole basis of the internationalist finance
capitalist system.

The new Iraq must be born onto the world stage as a debtor nation.
Unlike of course, the USA!

Chris Burford

It was the last holdout, waiting to give its OK while President Bush
and Russian President Vladimir Putin, both in Chile for the APEC
Summit, discussed the issue.
Joerg Mueller, spokesman for German Finance Minister Hans Eichel,
later announced Russia's agreement. Mueller did not give details of
Russia's agreement.

Eichel and U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow hammered out the deal to
forgive up to 80 percent of Iraq's $120 billion debt in three stages
over several years.

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