[perl #124552] Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S03-operators/reduce-le1arg.t line:43 reason: 'expected Any but got Mu instead'

2018-05-08 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
I'm closing this ticket, cmp. https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1797: > #124552 can be closed. Test was working but skipped. Unskipped in roast now.

[perl #123380] [BUG] A script that gives different results when executed from a file and when pasted into REPL

2018-05-08 Thread Brian S. Julin via RT
Test PR for rakudo tree: https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1806 If that is accepted, someone with a jvm build should check whether it needs to be fudged for rakudo-j and if it is fine there as well, this ticket can be closed.

[perl #122815] [BUG] nativecall sub declaration complains about 'returns' type when type has been predeclared using yadda-yadda on Rakudo Moar

2018-05-08 Thread Brian S. Julin via RT
Golf and change of behavior: $ perl6 -e 'use NativeCall; class T is repr is export { sub new(size_t $n) returns T is symbol is native { * }; }; T.new();' $ perl6 -e 'use NativeCall; class T {...}; class T is repr is export { sub new(size_t $n) returns T is symbol is native { * }; }; T.new();' =

[perl #117377] [BUG] 'callsame' in postcircumfix:<( )> method in routine trait does nothing in Rakudo

2018-05-08 Thread Brian S. Julin via RT
This is a very old ticket and we no longer have postcircumfix:<( )> for objects. If you redo the example to use CALL-ME it still does not call the original class method, however, CALL-ME is defined as a submethod, not a method, and testing the difference: $ perl6 -e 'class S { method x { "Sx".sa

[perl #116709] [BUG] Rakudo only passes t/spec/S19-command-line/dash-e.t with a UTF-8 locale

2018-05-08 Thread Brian S. Julin via RT
Well, the current test file succeeds in both cases. This ticket is so old it may more be the tests have changed than anything else, but there was also lot of charset work so maybe it is actually fixed. If you can still figure out how to break something with LC_ALL, please re-file a github issue

[perl #133186] 2019 MIPIM Yacht Charters

2018-05-08 Thread Brian S. Julin via RT
spam rejected

[perl #133187] 2018 Cannes Lions

2018-05-08 Thread Brian S. Julin via RT
spam rejected

[perl #130910] [REGEX] Backtracking into a parameterized subrule like `` tries to call it without arguments.

2018-05-08 Thread Brian S. Julin via RT
This is also an issue in nqp. $ nqp -e 'grammar f { regex TOP { ^ $ }; regex foo($i) { .. } }; nqp::say(f.parse("aaa"));' Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1 Fixing it in nqp first is probably the best first step. To that end I investigated some and it looks like this w