Re: [COMMIT] miniperl has been somewhat busy...

2001-12-17 Thread jgoff
It's actually named 'clone', and it calls the clone() vtable member of argument $2. The pertinent code reads like: $1->vtable = $2->vtable; $2->vtable->clone(interpreter,$2, $1); I've added clone() vtable entries to the appropriate PMC classes to support this feature. Along with the tweaks mad

Parrot optimizer

2001-12-05 Thread jgoff
Since PMCs are done, languages should start to come out again. Every good code generator needs a backend, and here's a first stab at an optimizer for Parrot: It takes a file of Parrot code post-macro-expansion, although it's interna

Re: Quick notes about 0.0.3

2001-12-03 Thread jgoff
While I'd like to use the current PMCs for Scheme atoms, they don't have the correct behavior for use in Scheme. In any case, after I get finished with a reasonably clean PerlArray implementation (hopefully this evening) I'll be developing SchemeAtom and SchemeList types to support Scheme devel

[PATCH] Exceptions as promised...

2001-10-25 Thread jgoff
The included patch requires a new file t/op/exceptions.t, which tests basic exception handling, in this case divide-by-zero. Patch was generated against latest CVS, but it shouldn't matter -that- much. -Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> diff --recursive -C 2 parrot_cvs/MANIFEST parrot/MANIFEST *** pa