# New Ticket Created by  Elizabeth Mattijsen 
# Please include the string:  [perl #126585]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126585 >

[21:55:53]  <lizmat>    m: sub a($x is rw) { $x; }; a 42    # dies as expected
[21:55:54]  <+camelia>  rakudo-moar 8b834c: OUTPUT«Parameter '$x' expected a 
writable container, but got Int value␤  in sub a at /tmp/2NK1Hbv1Ub:1␤  in 
block <unit> at /tmp/2NK1Hbv1Ub:1␤␤»
[21:56:11]  <lizmat>    m: sub a($x is rw) { $x; }; { a 42 }()   # but not if 
within a block ?
[21:56:11]  <+camelia>  rakudo-moar 8b834c: ( no output )
[21:58:08]  <lizmat>    m: sub a($x is rw) { $x; }; { a 42 }   # seems to be 
optimizer related
[21:58:08]  <+camelia>  rakudo-moar 8b834c: ( no output )
[21:58:19]  <lizmat>    $ perl6 --optimize=off -e  'sub a($x is rw) { $x }; { a 
42 }'
[21:58:19]  <lizmat>    Parameter '$x' expected a writable container, but got 
Int value

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