FYI: These are items just added to various sections of the Perl 6 Users FAQ
( <>


Some are new, some are reworded, some are from recent posts. Thanks to those
who posted and/or emailed feedback.




Some Perl 6 features that you will be able to selectively turn on in

Perl 5.9 (development branch) and Perl 5.10 (production release) are

in: (




How to get started running Perl 6. Hmm. This is where many of these

FAQ links ought to go: 





Pugs Apocryphon 1, Overview of the Pugs project:





Note on mirroring: Since this FAQ is oriented towards Perl 6 users, we

mostly use links instead of links:


* (      # Live repository.

* ( # Mirror. 




If you want to help hack on the docs, read this:



This mentions many things you can do to help out with docs, although

it is a bit dated: 



This plan is still current AFAIK: "Perl 6 developers are refactoring

relevant introductions, tutorials, specifications into the Perl6::Doc

namespace; expect to see this module subsumed by it in the near







Lots of Perl 6 code examples here:





The latest official Perl 6 language specification:


* HTML: (

* POD:  (

  <<There may be some minor O(hour) delay due to mirroring and HTML



A variety of Perl 6 docs are here, including intros and talks:





Our overview of Perl 6 status begins with a release history sample for

the 2 most critical components, Pugs (compiler) and Parrot (VM). A lot

of foundation-building has been going on, and visible progress has

dramatically increased from 2005 onwards, so we have concentrated on

more recent data points (through early 2005).


See ( for the very

latest (major) release announcements.


The major/minor version numbers of Pugs converges to 2*pi. (That's 360

degrees (or the circumference of a unit-radius circle), expressed in

radians.) Each significant digit in the minor version represents a

milestone. The third digit is incremented for each release. The

current milestones are (with some interspersed releases):


* Pugs 6.0: Initial release.

* Pugs 6.0.0 "Day 6 of Pugs"   Released 01/07/2005

* Pugs 6.2: Basic IO and control flow elements; mutable variables;


* Pugs 6.2.0                   Released 04/13/2005

* Pugs 6.2.10                  Released 10/09/2005

* Pugs 6.2.11                  Released 02/01/2006

* Pugs 6.28: Classes and traits.

* Pugs 6.28.0                  Almost here....

* Pugs 6.283: Rules and Grammars.

* Pugs 6.2831: Type system and linking.

* Pugs 6.28318: Macros.

* Pugs 6.283185: Port Pugs to Perl 6, if needed.


Parrot follows a more conventional version number scheme:


* Parrot 0.0.1                 Released 09/10/2001

* Parrot 0.0.10                Released 03/18/2003

* Parrot 0.1.0                 Released 02/29/2004

* Parrot 0.2.0 "NLnet"         Released 05/08/2005

* Parrot 0.3.1 "Wart"          Released 10/06/2005

* Parrot 0.4.2 "GPW"           Released 02/22/2006

* Parrot 0.4.3 "Cold Conure"   Released 04/02/2006

* Parrot 0.4.4 "Feather"       Released 05/14/2006




Best regards,
Conrad Schneiker <>

www. <> (Nano-electron-beam


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