[Note: This a plain text repost. The original came across as HTML...]

> [25]RFC 73: All Perl core functions should return objects 
> I'm thinking that the solution is better abstract type support 
> for data values that happen to be represented internally by C 
> structs. We get bogged down when we try to translate a C 
> struct such a struct tm into an actual hash value. On the 
> other hand, it's rather efficient to translate a struct tm 
> to a struct tm, since it's a no-op. 
> We can make such a struct look like a Perl object, and access it 
> efficiently with attribute methods as if it were a ``real'' 
> object. And the typology will (hopefully) mostly only impose an 
> abstract overhead. 

Neil Watkiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Brian Ingerson
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> have been roughing out ideas for a Inline::Struct
module which sounds similar if not related to the this. It's primary
objective is simplifying passing structured data between Perl and C/C++. It
also makes a struct look like a Perl object. There is an unreleased module
implementing a C++ interface which works quite well. A C version is planned
as well. Others may follow. Right now, it works like this:

use Inline CPP => <<'END', STRUCTS => ['Foo']; 

struct Foo { 
  int inum; 
  double dnum; 
  char *str; 
typedef struct Foo Foo; 


my $o = new Inline::Struct::Foo; 

my %fields = %{$o->_HASH}; 
my @keys = @{$o->_KEYS}; 
my @fields = @{$o->_ARRAY}; 

package Inline::Struct::Foo; 
sub Print { 
  my $o = shift; 
  print "Foo {\n", (join "\n", map { $o->$_() } $o->_KEYS), "}\n"; 


Anything that is typemap'd can be used. I'm hoping Inline::Struct will
evolve into the compiled complement to Class::Struct. If Perl 6 could do
this without requiring a compiler on hand, it would be the perfect
replacement/evolution of Class::Struct.


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