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=head1 TITLE

Object neutral error handling via exceptions

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Glenn Linderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 16 Aug 2000
  Last Modified: 28 Sep 200
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 119
  Version: 4
  Status: Frozen


Revisit what  the goals  of error handling  and exceptions are  for, to
determine the set of desirable  unit operations, rather than start with
a bundle of stuff from another language, and try to make it Perlish.

=head1 CHANGES

=head2 notes on freeze

Tony Olekshy  was going to suggest  a bunch of  improvements where this
RFC misinterprets RFC  88 in the comparison, but in the  end I guess he
was satisfied enough with it the way it is, after getting more familiar
with this  one.  There's really a  lot of synergy between  the ideas in
RFC 88 and RFC 119.  Mostly  RFC 88 is more rigid in suggested OO-ness,
and RFC 119 doesn't prescribe  that.  Much of the implementation of the
two could be done identically.   The other major difference between the
RFCs is that  RFC 119 suggests a new  mechanism for exception handling,
separate  from  the  current   eval/die  handling.   This  allows  100%
compatibility (which cannot  be achieved with RFC 88),  and preserves a
distinction between  "fatal" and "non-fatal" errors.  By  doing so, the
"catch-all" clause is much more  useful in RFC 119, and the distinction
between fatal and non-fatal errors (as perceived by the author of a sub
or module) is an extremely  convenient way of simplifying code when the
original author correctly classifies the errors.

=head2 version 3 changes

Addition  of p52p6 option  for converting  eval/die to  throw/catch (if
practical; the interfaces are quite different).

Added the "scope" and "hooks" sections to the RFC 88 comparison.

Updated the section on conversion wrappers.

Updated implementation section to talk about DESTROY.

Added a status field in the VERSION section.

=head2 version 2 changes

Addition of "always" clause.

Clarified the rules for catching to specify that catch statements prior
to the  current point of execution  in a given scope  are not candidate
targets for  throws, only catch  statements after the current  point of
execution in a given scope.

Clarified  that when  a catch  statement is  encountered in  the normal
flow, that it is not executed.

Added a  section discussing  the use of  this "always-on"  mechanism by
people that prefer error returns.

Added a few notes regarding implementation.

Added a section regarding differences between RFC88v2d5 and RFC119


There  are  numerous RFCs  regarding  a  complete  bundle of  exception
handling  mechanisms.   Most  of  them  are modeled  after  some  other
languages exception  handling mechanism, adapted somewhat  to Perl, and
somewhat to the goals of the author.  While this is not all bad, as the
problems being faced  were faced in the other languages  as well, it is
not  necessarily all  good,  either.   This RFC  examines  some of  the
incentives behind  C++ exceptions, both  the structure of the  code and
the structure  of the exception object,  then examines the  goals of an
exception mechanism,  then examines some techniques that  could be used
to reach the goals.  The result can  be made to look a lot like the C++
exception mechanism if desired, but  can be much more powerful when all
its features are used.  So this leads to the following "head2"s:

- C++ exceptions

- Goals of exceptions

- Techniques for exceptions

- Results

- C++-like Usage

- Conversion wrappers

I focus on  C++ rather than Java, because  Java (pardon me, Java-heads)
is just an attempt to use the best parts of C++ without all the baggage
of C, so while most of this could have been changed in Java, it wasn't.
This made Java easy to learn for  C users who'd read about C++, and for
C++ users.  This didn't make  Java a significantly better language than
C++, although they  were able to remove some of  the worst C++ language
traps.  To excel,  you need to not only remove some worst, but add some
best.  I think that's a goal of Perl.

While Graham's module is a valiant attempt to include C++-like
exception handling  in Perl, it has various  deficiencies (discussed by
others) that can  be attributed to be an add-on to  Perl, just like C++
exception handling has various  deficiencies because of being an add-on
to C.

=head2 C++ exceptions

Remember that C++ exceptions were  built first as a preprocessor for C.
Therefore,  the mechanisms  used had  to exist  in C.   Stack unwinding
could therefore only be done  by using the only non-local goto facility
supported by C:  longjmp.  This forced a number  of decisions about the
design of exceptions, not all of which are good.

I note  in passing that  ANSI Forth defines  catch and throw  which use
single cells  as parameters... so not  all usage of catch  and throw is
related to object techniques.

=head3 Keyword try

First, longjmp doesn't work without a setjmp, and setjmp must be called
prior to  longjmp.  This is the  basic justification for  try: it calls
setjmp at a point within the  scope of the code for which the exception
handling mechanism is to be activated.  Some attempts have been made to
justify the use  of the try keyword as  aiding programmer comprehension
of the  scope of the try block,  and perhaps it does  this in languages
where  some  code  may  be  in  the scope  of  the  exception  handling
mechanism, and other code may not be.

It would  seem, however, that  the best implementation of  an exception
handling mechanism would be that all  code is in scope of the exception
handling mechanism,  so that exceptions  cannot be ignored,  other than
explicitly.  Perl's die is of  that flavor: very hard to ignore, except

=head3 Scoping problems

Let's  presume the  example often  cited, of  wishing to  close  a file
handle during the unwind, here's some C++ for that:

  FILE *handle;
  try {
     handle = fopen ( ... );
  catch ( ... ) {
    fclose ( handle );

Note that  "handle" has  to be  defined outside the  scope of  the try,
because catch  cannot see the  scope defined by  the try block,  and is
completely  unable to  recover from  problems that  are  not explicitly
hoisted outside of the try block.

=head3 Control flow problem #1

Here's  some icky  C error  handling code:  3 errors  to handle  so the
pattern  becomes obvious, but  I tried  to keep  them simple  (all open
errors to build  on the case above)--they can get  much more complex in
practice, when the code to deal with an error gets more complex.

  int returned_error;
  FILE *handle1, *handle2, *handle3;
  if ( ! handle1 = fopen ( ... )) {
    return errno;
  if ( ! handle2 = fopen ( ... )) {
    returned_error = errno;
    close ( handle1 );
    return returned_error;
  if ( ! handle3 = fopen ( ... )) {
    returned_error = errno;
    close ( handle1 );
    close ( handle2 );
    return returned_error;

Here's an icky attempt to reduce the redundant error code:

  int returned_error;
  FILE *handle1, *handle2, *handle3;
  if ( ! handle1 = fopen ( ... )) {
    returned_error = errno;
    return returned_error;
  if ( ! handle2 = fopen ( ... )) {
    returned_error = errno;
    close ( handle1 );
    goto handle1_return;
  if ( ! handle3 = fopen ( ... )) {
    returned_error = errno;
    close ( handle2 );
    goto handle2_return;

While this  solves the  redundancies of the  cleanup code,  the cleanup
code for handle1  is by the code that attempts  to open handle2, rather
than being bundled  with the code that opens  handle1.  C never claimed
to be OO, but even without OO, this is icky.

Translating to  C++ doesn't help much.  Assuming  (not accurately) that
C++'s fopen  throws an  error if it  fails, to simulate  proposals that
Perl's open should do exactly that:

  FILE *handle1 = NULL, *handle2 = NULL, *handle3 = NULL;
  try {
    handle1 = fopen ( ... );
    handle2 = fopen ( ... );
    handle3 = fopen ( ... );
  catch ( ... ) {
    if ( handle1 ) close ( handle1 );
    if ( handle2 ) close ( handle2 );
    if ( handle3 ) close ( handle3 );

Some would  like this, because it  removes all the  error handling code
from the control flow, but to support that, the handles must be outside
the try block (as noted in the previous section) so they can be seen by
the catch block, they must be initialized even if never used (not a bad
programming practice,  but certainly not  needed in the C  examples) so
that the catch block doesn't do stupid things, and the code to clean up
a handle is far removed from the code that sets up the handle.

Perl, fortunately,  initializes all its  variables to undef, so  we are
saved from that aspect of C/C++.

=head3 Control flow problem #2

The  above examples  all dealt  with cases  where the  error  is simply
rethrown, using the "catch ( ... )" as a "finally" block per RFC 88, or
a  "continue" block  per RFC  63.  When  actually attempting  to handle
errors,  we discover  that any  commonality between  handling different
errors results in duplicate code (or additional subroutines or gotos):

  FILE *handle1 = NULL, *handle2 = NULL, *handle3 = NULL;
  try {
    handle1 = fopen ( ... );
    handle2 = fopen ( ... );
    handle3 = fopen ( ... );
  catch ( error_type_1 ) {
    if ( handle1 ) close ( handle1 );
    if ( handle2 ) close ( handle2 );
    if ( handle3 ) close ( handle3 );
    // ... report error type 1, handle it
  catch ( error_type_2 ) {
    if ( handle1 ) close ( handle1 );
    if ( handle2 ) close ( handle2 );
    if ( handle3 ) close ( handle3 );
    // ... report error type 2, handle it
  catch ( ... ) {
    if ( handle1 ) close ( handle1 );
    if ( handle2 ) close ( handle2 );
    if ( handle3 ) close ( handle3 );

Or you could:

  void help_clean ( FILE * handle1, FILE * handle2, FILE * handle3 ) {
    if ( handle1 ) close ( handle1 );
    if ( handle2 ) close ( handle2 );
    if ( handle3 ) close ( handle3 );

  FILE *handle1 = NULL, *handle2 = NULL, *handle3 = NULL;
  try {
    handle1 = fopen ( ... );
    handle2 = fopen ( ... );
    handle3 = fopen ( ... );
  catch ( error_type_1 ) {
    help_clean ( handle1, handle2, handle3 );
    // ... report error type 1, handle it
  catch ( error_type_2 ) {
    help_clean ( handle1, handle2, handle3 );
    // ... report error type 2, handle it
  catch ( ... ) {
    help_clean ( handle1, handle2, handle3 );

This removes the error handling  code even further from the setup code,
still requires  redundancy among the catch phrases,  and introduces new
functions dealing only with cleanup.  Assuming an RFC 88 finally clause
added to C++ would help, if and only if and only if (if I understand it
correctly)  the handles  can  be closed  _at  the end_  of the  cleanup
process. That would produce:

  FILE *handle1 = NULL, *handle2 = NULL, *handle3 = NULL;
  try {
    handle1 = fopen ( ... );
    handle2 = fopen ( ... );
    handle3 = fopen ( ... );
  catch ( error_type_1 ) {
    // ... report error type 1, handle it
  catch ( error_type_2 ) {
    // ... report error type 2, handle it
  catch ( ... ) {
  finally {
    if ( handle1 ) close ( handle1 );
    if ( handle2 ) close ( handle2 );
    if ( handle3 ) close ( handle3 );

I'm not sure how the "catch  ( ... )"'s rethrow would interact with the
finally clause,  that seems to be  an area of  discussion regarding the
differences between RFC 63 and RFC 88.

=head2 Goals of exceptions

This is my list so far, feel free to suggest more.

In the examples thus far, each "fopen" call could independently fail,
but the overall program appears to  need to open all three, or none, in
a somewhat atomic  manner.  While the code to deal  with a single fopen
call  and  the  possibility  that  it  fails  is  straightforward,  the
complexity of  the situation results  from the polynomial  explosion of
code  and branches  resulting  from increasing  numbers of  operations.
This is my justification for the first 6 items on the list.

While I have nothing against  OO techniques (I've found C++ OO features
useful for a compiled language), it is somewhat cumbersome to deal with
OO for small projects.  Perhaps some of the "make everything an object"
RFCs for Perl6 will sidestep  that cumbersomeness, and moot this point.
However, until or unless that is  achieved, I'd rather not be forced to
use objects  to achieve  exception handling.  On  the other  hand, when
building  large system, having  an exception  object might  be helpful.
This is my justification for item 7.

1) Keep the cleanup code near the setup code, to keep it understandable

2) Keep the cleanup code in the  same scope as the setup code, to avoid
   hoisting variables into higher scopes.

3) Avoid  redundancy and complex  control flow  in the  visible cleanup
   code paths.

4) Achieve  a  structured  form  of  non-local goto  to  allow  exiting
   multiple levels  of subroutine calls  without coding tests  of error
   conditions at every level within the stack.

5) Achieve good default reporting of uncaught exceptions.

6) Make exception  handling the default  (or only) method  of operation
   for Perl code

7) Permit use of exception objects, but don't require them.

=head2 Techniques for exceptions

=head3 Technique for goals 1-3

Add new  except and  always clauses  that can modify  a statement  or a

  statement1 except statement2 always statement3;

Any of  statement1, statement2 or  statement3 can be made  into blocks,
with the result  that scoping problems resurface, but  often times they
wouldn't need to be blocks.

If execution of the containing scope reaches statement1, it is executed
as normal.  Because it contains  an always clause, statement3 is pushed
on the stack  of cleanup code to be executed when  the scope exits, and
because it  contains an except clause,  statement2 to be  pushed on the
stack of cleanup code to be  executed if an exception occurs.  There is
logically only one stack of cleanup  code, so the order of execution of
the cleanup  statements is  always consistent, although  some of  it is
conditional.   For  the statement  above,  statement2  would always  be
executed  before  statement3 if  an  exception  occurs.  Statement2  is
omitted if  no exception  occurs.  Statement 3  is omitted only  if the
scope exits prior to statement1 being executed.

For example (I'll use Perl language examples henceforth):

  $handle1 = open ( "<file1" ) always close ( $handle1 );
  throw "Error opening file1" if ! defined $handle1;
  $handle2 = open ( "<file2" ) always close ( $handle2 );
  throw "Error opening file2" if ! defined $handle2;
  $handle3 = open ( "<file3" ) always close ( $handle3 );
  throw "Error opening file3" if ! defined $handle3;

If you assume that Perl6 open  gets enhanced to throw an exception when
it fails, you can simplify this to:

  $handle1 = open ( "<file1" ) always close ( $handle1 );
  $handle2 = open ( "<file2" ) always close ( $handle2 );
  $handle3 = open ( "<file3" ) always close ( $handle3 );

=head3 Technique for goals 4, 5 & 7

Add a  new throw  clause to achieve  a structured non-local  goto.  The
throw statement takes a list as  a parameter, and can be qualified with
the usual conditionals.   This comes in OO and  non-OO forms to address
goal 7.

So you can

   throw "Error opening file1";

or (printf-like throw)

   throw "Error opening file %s", "file1";

or (OO throw)

   throw new Exception::Error ("Error opening file", "file1");
   throw new Exception::Success ("The answer is", 17 );

or (rethrow)

   throw; # throws @_


  OO throw: a throw that throws a single object reference parameter.

Now a non-local goto  has to have a target, so that  is provided by the
catch  statement, which  is  a  sub-like block.   There  are rules  for
finding  the  appropriate  catch  statement,  listed  later.   A  catch
statement gets  a new @_ which  is initialized to the  list supplied to
the throw.  (N.B. if it is desired  to not mask the @_ in the enclosing
sub from being seen by the catch block, a different array could be used
for these special catch subs...  but all the examples assume @_.) These
catch examples all use die to make  the errors fatal, but if die is not
used, execution would continue  with the next non-catch statement after
the executed catch statement.

   catch { die join ( ", ", @_ ); }

or (printf-like catch)

   catch { my ( $msg, @parm ) = @_; die sprintf "$msg\n", @parm; }

or (conditional catch)

   catch ( $_[0] =~ /^Error/ ) { die join ( ", ", @_ ); }

or (simple OO catch)

   catch { die $_[0]->message; }

or (complex OO catch)

   catch Exception::Error { die $_[0]->message; }
   catch Exception::Success ( print $_[0]->message; exit ( 0 ); }
   catch Exception { die "unexpected:" . sprintf $_[0]->message; }

When a  catch statement  is encountered in  the normal flow  of control
(falling from one  statement to the next), it  is not executed.  Rather
is is removed from the list of candidate catch statements that might be
used as targets of a subsequent throw.

What  about the  rules for  determining  which catch  statement is  the
target of  a particular  throw?  A combination  of lexical  and dynamic
scope rules, which aren't that different from those for C++.


  appropriate catch statement

  case 1: for  an OO throw, an appropriate catch  statement is one that
  lists the class of the reference thrown.

  case 2: for other throws,  an appropriate catch statement is one that
  doesn't list  a class name, and  either has no expression,  or has an
  expression which  is true  when evaluated (with  @_ referring  to the
  parameters thrown).

Catch selection rules:

- If the scope containing the throw contains catch statements, they are
  examined in  source code order  to determine if any  are appropriate.
  The  first appropriate  catch statement  after the  current execution
  point in the scope is used.

- If rule1 doesn't yield an appropriate catch statement, all except and
  always clauses  for that scope  are logically popped off  the cleanup
  stack and  executed (in reverse order,  that's why it  is logically a

- Each  lexically larger  scope  within  the sub  is  examined in  like
  manner, using  the above two rules.   There is one  exception to this
  rule: if  the throw  is within  the scope of  a catch  statement, the
  scope  containing that  catch statement  is  not examined  to find  a
  handler for  such embedded throws.  See example below.

- If the sub  contains no appropriate catch statement,  the above three
  rules are used for each sub found on the call stack.

- There are  two implicit catch phrases  at the end of  the outer scope
  which address goal 5:

  catch UNIVERSAL { die "uncaught OO throw: $_[0]"; };
  catch { die "uncaught throw: @_"; }

Example for rule three's exception:

    # some code, in which it, or something it calls, does a "throw 37"
    catch ( $_[0] == 37 ) {
      # the throw is caught here
      { down inside some nested scope or call, someone does
        throw 38;
      # if there were a "catch ( $_[0] == 38 ) { ... }" here, it would
      # be allowed to catch the throw 38.
    catch ( $_[0] == 38 ) {
      # this should not  catch throws from within catch  clauses at the
      # same lexical scope, because a catch at this lexical level is
      # already in progress.
  catch ( $_[0] == 38 ) {
    # but this one should catch it!

The  whole point  being that  only  one catch  in a  scope should  ever
execute until it is complete,  and that errors within a catch statement
or block should be caught within  that statement or block, or be passed
to  outer scopes  to be  caught there.

=head2 Results

New  statements  throw  &   catch,  with  semantics  similar  to  their
counterparts in other languages.

New clauses  except and  always which localize  cleanup code  near, and
potentially in the same scope as, the corresponding setup code.

Two new implicit catch phrases.

Orthogonality with eval/die for compatibility.

Support for both OO and structured programming.

=head2 C++-like Usage

When  putting  all the  above  features  together,  it is  possible  to
construct syntax that looks very  similar to the equivalent C++ syntax.
This  might seem  familiar to  some, as  a way  to ease  into  the more
powerful Perlish syntax  proposed here.  An example along  the lines of
the earlier examples would be:

// repeat of earlier C++ example

  try {
    handle1 = fopen ( ... );
    handle2 = fopen ( ... );
    handle3 = fopen ( ... );
  catch ( error_type_1 ) {
    // report error type 1, handle it
    if ( handle1 ) close ( handle1 );
    if ( handle2 ) close ( handle2 );
    if ( handle3 ) close ( handle3 );
  catch ( error_type_2 ) {
    // report error type 2, handle it
    if ( handle1 ) close ( handle1 );
    if ( handle2 ) close ( handle2 );
    if ( handle3 ) close ( handle3 );
  catch ( ... ) {
    if ( handle1 ) close ( handle1 );
    if ( handle2 ) close ( handle2 );
    if ( handle3 ) close ( handle3 );

Corresponding Perl example using some of the features of this RFC:

# Note, try keyword is not needed, because exception handling is always
# available.  The "try" block is only needed to be C++-like in bundling
# together  all   the  "except"   processing  (which  is   better  left
# distributed IMHO).

  my ( $handle1, $handle2, $handle3 );
    $handle1 = open ( ... );
    $handle2 = open ( ... );
    $handle3 = open ( ... );
  always {
    close ( $handle1 );
    close ( $handle2 );
    close ( $handle3 );
  catch error_type_1 {
    # report error type 1, handle it
  catch error_type_2 {
    # report error type 2, handle it
  catch {

It should  be noted that the  last catch phrase in  both examples above
could  be omitted without  semantic change  in both  C++ and  using the
facilities of  this RFC.  It is just  shown to indicate how  to write a
phrase  which catches  everything else,  and  how to  code an  explicit
rethrow of the same exception.

This same  example could  be shortened as  follows, using  the complete
power of the syntax in this RFC.

  my $handle1 = open ( ... )  always close ( $handle1 );
  my $handle2 = open ( ... )  always close ( $handle2 );
  my $handle3 = open ( ... )  always close ( $handle3 );
  catch error_type_1 {
    # report error type 1, handle it
  catch error_type_2 {
    # report error type 2, handle it

=head2 Conversion wrappers

Perl5 doesn't have exceptions, except that eval can be used as a way to
catch "die" statements,  which were originally intended to  be used for
fatal errors only.  Hence, most extant code uses some form of non-fatal
error handling  based on returning the  success or failure  of a called
subroutine via  parameters, return  values, or global  variables.  This
doesn't get  broken by this RFC,  neither does it  get "fixed".  Extant
code must be modified to  leverage the simpler interfaces, and powerful
features of this RFC.  It  is not expected that such modification would
be automatic.

But because  die can be  caught via eval,  some code uses  the eval/die
metaphor (intended  for fatal error  processing) to substitute  for the
missing catch/throw  metaphor for non-fatal errors  and other exception
conditions.  This RFC doesn't interfere with code that misuses eval/die
in that  manner, but it  provides an alternative  that can be  used for
non-fatal errors.

Hence, with this RFC in  force, there would be three orthogonal methods
of dealing with error conditions; let me name and define them:

Return  method:  the use  of  returned  booleans,  or undef,  or  other
distinguished values of  the return value of a function;  or the use of
subroutine  parameters or  global  values to  indicate  the success  or
failure of a function.  This  method is ad hoc--it varies from function
to function--although there are a  large number of perl primitives that
conform to the rule that a false return value implies failure.

die  method: the  use  of die  to  indicate a  fatal error.   Sometimes
misused by trapping  die to allow die to be  used to indicate non-fatal

throw method: the use of throw  to indicate a non-fatal error, or other
exception condition.

It is  possible to write wrapper  subs (and even  wrapper modules) that
convert one type of interface to any of the others.  When converting to
the  die or  throw  methods, the  prototype  and usage  of the  wrapper
function can  be identical to  that of the underlying  function, except
that the technique for checking for errors changes.  When converting to
the return method,  it might be necessary to  make the prototype and/or
usage  of  wrapper  function  different  than that  of  the  underlying
function  to  make  room   for  a  failure  indicator,  and/or  failure
description information.

Clearly such  wrappers would have to  be customized to  the extent that
they might be context  sensitive (hopefully RFC21, if implemented, gets
extended to implement an appropriate way  to invoke a called sub in the
same or  equivalent context as  the caller sub,  to ease the  burden of
writing such wrapper subs), and  to the extent that errors are returned
via techniques other than a scalar  return value.  But the point of the
wrapAPIs  in the next  section is  to show  a technique  for converting
exception based interfaces to and from non-exception based interfaces.

=head2 Wrapping return method with die method

Assuming a scalar false return  value implies error, and that the error
text is found in $!, results in:

sub wrapAPI {
  my $ret = API;
  throw $! unless $ret;
  return $ret;

More  complex functions  may require  more complex  wrappers,  but this
suffices  to illustrate the  point.  The module  can generate
such wrappers dynamically for  many Perl builtin functions that conform
to the "return false" convention.

=head2 Wrapping return method with throw method

Assuming a scalar false return  value implies error, and that the error
text is found in $!, results in:

sub wrapAPI {
  my $ret = API;
  throw $! unless $ret;
  return $ret;

More  complex functions  may require  more complex  wrappers,  but this
suffices to illustrate the point.  A module could be
written after  the manner of  to create such  wrappers for the
same set of Perl builtin functions supported by

=head2 Wrapping die method with the throw method

sub wrapAPI {
  my $ret = eval 'API';
  throw $@ unless defined $ret;
  return $ret;

=head2 Wrapping throw method with the die method

sub wrapAPI {
  my $ret = API;
  catch { die @_; };
  return $ret;

=head2 Wrapping the throw method with the return method

Assuming a function that doesn't presently use false as a return value.

   sub wrapAPI {
     my $ret = API ( @_ );
     catch { $! = join ( ', ', @_ ); return undef; };
     return $ret;

=head2 Wrapping the die method with the return method

Assuming a function that doesn't presently use false as a return value.

   sub wrapAPI {
     my $ret = eval 'API';
     if ( ! defined $ret ) {
       $! = $@;
       return undef;
     return $ret;


Not much clue.   Clearly this extends the amount of  code that might be
executed  in  an order  other  than  the  default linear  order.   Some
thoughts on things that might be useful.

At the  beginning of  a new scope,  all the  catch blocks in  the scope
could be unshifted  onto a list of candidate  catch blocks for possible
throws.   Then as  each catch  block is  encountered during  the normal
execution order,  it could be  shifted off, because  it is no  longer a
candidate.   However, this  is probably  inefficient, because  unless a
throw  occurs, it  is work  in vain.   A more  efficient implementation
would probably search a per-scope  list of catch blocks for candidates,
with  the  relative  position of  the  catch  block  being one  of  the
parameters to the search algorithm.

The  except and  always clauses  are described  as a  stack,  and could
possibly  be implemented  that  way.  While  that  is a  simple way  to
conceptualize  them, it  is probably  more efficient  to  regroup these
clauses for each scope (causing the generated code to be in a different
order than  the source code), and  place the clauses  in reverse order.
Then execution of  those clauses could be almost  normal, but the point
of entry  to those regrouped clauses  would vary based on  the point in
the  code at  which  an exception  occurs,  or a  branch  or return  is
encountered that  leaves the scope.   Another note of interest  here is
that to support  object destruction at end of  scope, there are already
hooks in  Perl5 to run code upon  scope exit, so the  except and always
clauses could conceivably leverage those hooks.

One  thing that  might be  helpful  is if  p52p6 could  convert, as  an
option, eval/die  code, and  code derived from  eval/die (such  as that
using  and  to  catch/throw  code.   This would  help
alleviate the misuse  of fatal error handling as  an exception handling

=head1 Differences between RFC88v2d5 and RFC 119

While this comparison  is to RFC88v2d5, references will  be made simply
as RFC 88, for simplicity.

=head2 Scope

RFC 119 is orthogonal to  eval/die--it is a new mechanism for exception
handling.   RFC 88  fancies  up eval/die  with  new syntax  to make  it
pleasant to  use for exception handling,  but as a  result leaves fatal
error  handling and  exception  handling as  a  single mechanism.   One
unfortunate side effect  of that is that fatal  errors generally should
be fatal, and using the  same mechanism for non-fatal errors means that
the mechanism gets  turned on, and then sees any  fatal errors as well.
This just about eliminates the  usefulness of RFC 88's catch-all clause
(the one that can catch any exception, by not specifying a condition to
the catch clause),  because all the fatal errors  would get captured by
it.  Hence, each  catch clause would have to  select just exactly those
types of parameters that it truly  knows how to handle, and anything it
doesn't know about, that gets added later, wouldn't be handled.

=head2 What gets thrown

RFC 88 specifies that an exception object always exists, and that it is
of  some particular  type.  Should  anything  else be  thrown, it  gets
stringified and wrapped into an exception object.  RFC 119 doesn't make
such  a  specification,  but  a  similar technique  could  be  used  to
implement and extend RFC 119.  However, there are a couple gotchas:

RFC 119  wants to make  available to the  catch block exactly  the same
list of  parameters supplied to throw.   This is prevented  by RFC 88's
stringification and concatenation of  parameters.  Were RFC 88 extended
such  that its message  parameter could  be a  list reference,  then it
could  store   the  actual  parameters   to  the  throw   clause.   The
stringification  and concatenation  could  be deferred  until the  user
requests  such a  stringification by  calling some  API to  obtain "the
message".   This would  allow the  original parameters  to throw  to be
available to the catch block.

RFC 119  makes those  parameters available to  the catch block  via @_,
whereas  RFC  88  doesn't  presently  make  the  parameters  available.
Earlier versions of RFC 88 used  @_ for other purposes, but at least in
draft 5 @_  is not used.  A  possible way to reconcile RFC  88 with RFC
119 would be to extend RFC 88 to set @_ to the saved list of parameters
from throw (presuming the extension in the prior paragraph as well).

=head2 Control flow: except, finally, and always

RFC 88 uses  the finally keyword as a subclause  introducer for the try
statement.  RFC  119 uses the  except and always keywords  as subclause
introducers for  any statement.  The  basic purpose of the  keywords is
the same: to specify code that will get executed if the scope is exited
due to an  exception.  However, there are some  differences, beyond the
type of statement to which they can be attached.

RFC 119's except clause is  executed only if an exception occurs, which
exits the scope containing the statement in which it is defined.

RFC 88's finally clause is executed  if an exception occurs, or if flow
of control  falls out  of the bottom  of the  try statement. It  is not
clear whether  the finally clause is  executed if the  try statement is
exited via a goto or return, but  the statement is made that once a try
statement  is entered,  it is  guaranteed  that the  finally clause  is
entered,  but none  of  the  discussion mentions  exiting  via goto  or

RFC 119's always clause is executed  if an exception occurs, or if flow
of control exits the scope in any other manner.

If RFC 88's finally clause is executed when the try statement is exited
via goto or return, then RFC  119 would be happy to rename its "always"
clause to "finally", and the techniques would be more uniformly named.

RFC 88  permits multiple  finally clauses for  a single  try statement.
The explanation  about why multiple  finally clauses are  needed points
out the  benefit to specifying  such logic closer  to the point  of the
setup code.

RFC  88 has  nothing  that  directly corresponds  to  RFC 119's  except
clause, although that logic could be  included at the end of each catch

It  is probably  possible to  code equivalent  exception  handling code
using either the techniques in RFC  88 or the techniques in RFC 119.  I
believe that  any needed exception  handling logic can be  expressed at
least as  concisely and clearly using  RFC 119 than using  RFC 88.  For
example,  in the  section "C++  like  example", the  2nd example  looks
remarkably like RFC 88 syntax,  but the 3rd example demonstrates a more
concise representation not available in RFC 88.

=head2 Default error reporting

RFC  88, together with  RFC 80,  define a  large collection  of default
behaviors for the exception class  and objects.  While RFC 119 provides
the "bare necessities"  to do exception handling (a  list of parameters
is  passed  through), the  exception  class  does  define a  number  of
implicit  features  that  would  be  extremely  useful  for  debugging,
although  most  of  them  could  be  considered  "extra  baggage"  once
debugging is complete.  [Is debugging ever complete? :)]

If the  suggestions in the section  "What gets thrown"  were taken, all
those implicit features could be merged into RFC 119.

I'd like to see two modes of operation by the exception class: "normal"
and  "debug",  where  normal  omitted  many of  the  implicit  features
(preserving the call  stack, debug info, object info,  etc.), but could
be turned  on easily  across all loaded  modules via some  command line

=head2 Hooks

RFC 88 has a large number of hooks, including at least


All of these hooks are scoped,  in that they only affect only the stuff
called  at lower  levels.   However,  that means  that  at each  module
boundary API, for each module that uses RFC 88 exception handling, that
the outermost try block in  each interface function must explicitly set
all the  hooks in the specific  manner that the  module requires.  This
could  be cumbersome.   But  if it  is  not done,  upper modules  could
adversely affect the proper functioning of modules they use.


RFC 21: Subroutines: Replace C<wantarray> with a generic C<want> function

RFC 63: Exception handling syntax

RFC 80: Exception objects and classes for builtins

RFC 88: Omnibus Structured Exception/Error Handling Mechanism


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