Hi Everybody!


Forget whether or not the socialist is "natural born" in the US, 
consider whether or not he is even a citizen.

"Thanks to the lawsuit filed by Philip Berg, Obama now ADMITS (on his 
"Fight the Smears" website and factcheck.org) that he held dual 
citizenship with Kenya as a child.  This, in and of itself, may arguably 
disqualify him under Article II as the whole point of the "Natural Born 
Citizen" requirement is the avoidance of divided allegiances.  (Which 
makes his covert and quite possibly illegal activities [Logan Act?] on 
behalf of Kenya's thugocrat, Odinga, all the more relevant and 
disturbing.) - Click Here to see if Obama has a Kenyan Citzenship.

"There is a further complication, however.  His subsequent adoption by 
Lolo Soetoro and resultant INDONESIAN citizenship is a bigger fly in his 
ointment.  (I laugh whenever reference is made to "citizen of the 
WORLD'... Obama truly is a WORLD CITIZEN!)

"Indonesia, at the time Obama lived there and was deemed an Indonesian 
citizen, did not recognize dual citizenship, and neither did the US 
recognize dual citizenship with Indonesia.  Thus, whether he held dual 
citizenship with the US and Kenya, whether he was born in the US or 
Kenya, or even - as some suggest - CANADA, is irrelevant as the ONLY 
legitimate citizenship he held once his adopted father moved him to 
Indonesia was Indonesian!  His US Citizenship would be forfeit!"


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