Early bird rates for the Protege-OWL Short Course expire tomorrow
(Wednesday, May 2nd) at midnight!

The course provides an in-depth introduction to ontology engineering
and the Web Ontology Language (OWL). We cover best practices in
ontology building and the latest Semantic Web technologies, including

During the hands-on portion of the course, participants will learn how
to navigate the latest version of the Protege tool set, which supports
the full OWL 2 standard. Protege is the most popular and widely used
ontology editor, employed in projects by organizations such as the
World Health Organization, eBay, and Yahoo!.

- Dates & location: May 30 - June 1, 2012, Stanford University
- Course content: http://goo.gl/wC7IU
- Course schedule: http://goo.gl/JPP1o
- Online registration: http://goo.gl/uiRxu
- Facebook event page: http://goo.gl/tp3WQ

All portions of the course will be taught by members of the Protege staff:

Matthew Horridge
Natasha Noy
Martin O'Connor
Timothy Redmond
Samson Tu
Tania Tudorache
Jennifer Vendetti

Questions? Contact protege-shortcourse at lists.stanford.edu.

Best Regards,
The Protege Team

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