
I'm trying to calculate pairwise distances among points, having in hand
five topographic variables: mean elevation, slope, convexity, aspect and
stage. It's a 280x220m plot divided into 20x20m quadrats (11 rows and 14
columns). So the total amount of quadrats is 154. I have these topographic
variables from each quadrat or more precisely from each x,y point at the
centre of each quadrat (x and y are simply the distance in meters from the
origin). Since it's a study of animal movement in a very steep terrain, I'd
like to get the actual distance between each pair of quadrats (x,y points)
and an index of terrain resistance or something like that.

I've tried different modeling methods, using gdistance and its least-cost
distance analysis, for instance, but I didn't get any closer to a
satisfactory result.

I really appreciate any help,

Thanks a lot,

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